Gender Roles In The Kite Runner

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Moreover, after the Taliban Regime took over, Hazaras were still servants, but the Taliban massacred thousands of Hazaras for no reason besides that they were the minority. This is because the Taliban is made up of radical Pashtuns. The Taliban not only oppressed Hazaras, but also everyone else who were not directly associated with them. In the Kite Runner, this is presented when beggars litter the street because no one has money. This was one point in the book, that when Amir returns to Afghanistan, he sees a guy auctioning his prosthetic leg just to get money to feed his family. Another instance of this is the orphanage director allowing a Taliban official to come to the orphanage with cash and taking a child or two with him. When Farid, …show more content…

Before the Taliban, women were a second-class citizen compared to men. There were traditional values that women had to follow such as staying with her family until she is married. Even when she is courting, there are strict rules she has to follow. This can be seen when Amir first meets Soraya at the flee market in America. At one point she even tells Amir that there is a double standard with flirting. A man could flirt with whomever he wishes and even be promiscuous, however, if a woman did such acts, they would be gossiped about or shamed for the rest of their life. This can be seen when Soraya and her family lived on the East coast. She ran away with a boyfriend at one point, and when she returned, Soraya and her family moved to California to get away from people who knew about the 'awful' act she committed. Moreover, when the Taliban took over Afghanistan, women were still lower than men, but more of their civic freedoms were taken away. They were no longer able to obtain an education or to work. Women also had to begin to wear head coverings and had to be escorted by a man everywhere they went. The issue with women not being able to work, had drastic effects on the families in Afghanistan. In the Kite Runner, it mentions how women whom lost their husband in the war, often had to give up their children because they didn't have any money to buy food. This was the

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