Gender Roles In Cartoons

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A constant form of exposure to gender roles in society is from the viewing of cartoon programs. Cartoon programs present a captivating format for children and adults alike, this outlet allows for subjects to be discussed and presented in an informal format. Though many may assume that there is little impact on children from cartoons, research has shown that such shows impact the socialization of individuals. One of the most common complaints about cartoons, especially those created for children and adolescents, is that there is an insufficient amount of female representation and that the characters don’t present genders fairly (Thompson & Zerbinos, 1995). Gender portrayal in cartoons plays a role in the formation of social behaviors and what are seen as appropriate; the portrayals demonstrated often follow a stereotypical format, though in some cases show deviance.

Both nostalgic and modern cartoons present similar characteristics in how the portray male and female characters, though in some cases they do deviate from social norms. More traditional roles can be found in cartoons such as the Jetsons and King of the Hill, with greater deviance in shows like Kim Possible and the Powerpuff Girls. Tradition formatting of characters in a cartoon are based off of comparisons …show more content…

Each cartoon presents a different set of behaviors that are viewed by children and adolescents, often these behaviors are used to formulate an understanding of what is socially appropriate (Thompson & Zerbinos, 1995). Some cartoons adhere to the traditional gender roles and behaviors, often displaying both genders in positive and negative manners. In cases where social norms are not adhered to, however, the behaviors of the female tend to be more masculine in nature and the opposite-sex companion typically takes on feminine

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