Gender Pay Gap

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Introduction Due to the fact that the gender pay gap is still seen in all different parts of the world because of discrimination, the wage gap must be acknowledged and solved in order to achieve equality. Women must be willing to try new jobs and all of society must be accepting of women joining the workforce. The unfairness and discrimination women have been fighting against for many years can still be seen in our daily life today. People do not recognize it because they either do not know it is still happening or they simply do not care. Both of these reasons are equally as harmful to society and attention needs to be brought to the subject.
Description of Problem The problem present is that women are being paid less than men, supposedly for doing the same amount of work. This topic can be very controversial, due to the concept that some people do not believe the wage gap even exists. Although, …show more content…

There are many different things that could potentially be causing this, such as women working lower-paying jobs, working less hours than men, or women having more responsibilities they need to be home for. Surveys done by Pew Research Center show that women are much more likely to to take off work due to family matters. ¨Roughly four-in-ten mothers say they have taken a significant amount of time off from work (39%) or reduced their work hours (42%) to care for a child or other family member.¨ Also, women generally work in occupations that pay less than men do. All of these are logical arguments that can explain what is causing the gender wage gap. Although, according to several sources, such as “Pay Equity & Discrimination” and “The Gender Pay Gap Is Real, and Here’s Who Is Hit Hardest,” these are not real or accurate reasons causing the pay gap, leaving gender discrimination as the leading cause of the wage

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