Geatest Caesars: Edward Neale Justinian

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Emperor Justinian is identified as one of the greatest Caesars to ever rule in Europe during his reign from 527-565, during this he succeeded in reviving Roman Authority throughout his growing Byzantium Empire . As Emperor of the Byzantium Empire in the sixth and seventh century he conquered many parts of Europe restoring the control of the Roman Authority once again if only for a while . This essay will point out the extent in which Justinian succeeded Roman Authority. Although many depictions that can be argued, closer examination can be shown that through huge military successes, Architectural activities that changed the Empires value and enhanced Constantinople as the centre of the Christian World, and the legal work of the ‘Code of Justinian’ helped Justinian to revive Roman Authority. In the seventh century saw the collapse of the Byzantium Empire, which was defeated and taken over by the Ottoman-Turk Empire from the East of Constantinople. This Essay will access the reasons for decline of such a powerful empire, hit with the ‘Justinian Plague’ and eventually deteriorating after Justinian death . This saw the end to any last element of any Roman Authority in Europe.

Military Triumphs

During Justinian’s reign he was able to conquer and take over many parts of Europe expanding his Byzantium Empire, which was a huge start in reviving Roman Authority. He took back a huge amount of territory that was once belonged to the Roman Empire before Barbarian invasions in fourth and fifth century in Western Europe including Northern Africa and Italy. Justinians vast war against the Persians to the East of Constantinople was a problem for Justinian but after several battles a peace was arranged with fairly equal terms. Justinian then de...

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Justinian’s rule was one of a successful vision in which he revived Roman Authority through the Byzantium Empire through different campaigns to ‘take back’ what was once Roman territory in the 5th Century. By doing this and the ‘freak’ loss from the Plague and the damage to the Economical and Military perspective the Byzantium Empire was no longer economically able to defend their states and eventually fell when Constantinople was gained by the Ottoman-Turks. The extent in which Justinian revived the Roman Authority during his rule was astronomical and presented him with the depiction as one of the greatest Caesars during the Medieval timeframe. But through the events that took place to gain Roman Authority, the losses of financial power and population diminished and Byzantium rapidly declined after Justinian’s death and the Roman Authority was forever lost.

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