Galileo Galilei's Theory: Knowledge

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“That which is accepted as knowledge today is sometimes discarded tomorrow.” Consider knowledge issues raised by this statement in two areas of knowledge.

This statement above basically says that information known as knowledge which is recognized same by everyone today will change tomorrow because it is changed. By breaking down and defining the important words like; “knowledge”, “sometimes”, “accepted” and “discarded”, will help understand the statement more clearly. “Knowledge” is defined as “facts, information, and skills acquired by a person through experience or education; the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject (merriam, 2014).” This means that in order to have the information and have common knowledge for all man kind, one has to experience and gain knowledge first in order to educate others. That is how all man kind have the same knowledge. The word “sometimes” in the statement is very important, because misunderstanding this or even missing it out would change the possible outcome of the response. “Sometime” is defined as “at certain times (merriam, 2014).” This word states that only at certain times or within certain areas of professions the knowledge might change. The word “accepted” is defined as “generally approved or used (merriam, 2014).” Which means that accepted knowledge is when most people uses or agrees with it. “Discarded” is defined as “to throw (something) away because it is useless or unwanted (merriam, 2014).” Applying this back to the statement, it means that when knowledge is discarded, people do not use it or because new knowledge has been accepted which causes it to become not or less useful.

Through the advancements in technology made over time, humans have developed a greater under...

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...will be impossible either. However history always gets changed by revisionist historians, because we as human’s do not know the full truth of the world before us, the historians choose facts which will fit what we think is the “truth”. Therefore in the field of history, the knowledges always change. However in history knowledge is only “sometimes” discarded since the new theories might be built on old theories, which is done by making it better which then becomes the new theory. As for science when something is proven it is most probably right since tests have to be done.

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