Gabon has a PCI (per capita income) that is two to four times greater than that of most sub-Saharan African nations. The average income in Gabon is about $6,400 compared to the $1,200 of some other countries. The higher PCI has helped in the decline of extreme poverty but because of a high income inequality many families still remain poor. High income inequality makes it hard for families to move up in society, they remain where they are at. In 1992 there fiscal deficit widened to 2.4% of there GDP and they did not settle the arrears on the bilateral debt which lead to the cancellation of all the official and private creditors. Fluctuating prices in the oil, timber, and uranium, plus poor fiscal management has also hurt the economy.
Gabon’s GPD (gross domestic product) is estimated to be around 7.7 billion dollars. The GPD is divided into three sections the first being agriculture making up 8%. Gabon’s agriculture consists of cocoa, coffee, sugar, palm oil, cattle, and fish. The second section, industry, contributes 67% of the nations GPD. Gabon’s industry includes textile, lumbering and plywood, petroleum, cement, manganese, uranium, gold mining, and chemicals. Oil was located of the coast of Gabon in the 1970’s. Petroleum alone now makes up 50% of the GDP. The last section of the GDP is services, making up 25%. Ship repair supplies the most to this category of the GDP.
Gabon exports about $2.1 billion a year and imports an average of $890 million. The US, China, France, and Japan are there leading partners for exports. The US receives 67% of Gabon’s exports a year. Machinery and equipment, foodstuffs, chemicals, petroleum products, and construction materials are included in Gabon’s imports. France imports about 38% followed by the US, Cameroon, and the Netherlands.
The CFAF (Communaute Financiere Africaine franc) is Gabon’s currency. The CFAF started of as the French currency the Franc. The exchange rate for every US dollar is 577.61 CFAF’s. The inflation rate for the CFAF is about 2% as of January 1999.
Gabon’s labor force works in three sectors, agriculture, industry and commerce, and services. Even though agriculture supplies only 8% of the GDP it makes up 65% of the labor force. Workers raise foods such as; cassava, plantains, sugarcane, corn (maize), peanuts (groundnuts), bananas, palm oil, and cacao.
Mythology has been present throughout human civilization to provide a sense of awe, wonder, and fear. According to Joseph Campbell’s The Need for New Myths, a myth offers gratitude or rapture to reveal a comprehensive image of man’s universe and his place within the world. In the novel Fifth Business by Robertson Davies, magic and religion reassemble human struggles into a relatable, yet awe inducing myth. The sensation of wonder, surprise, or fear induces a feeling of self-insignificance at the vastness of the universe. To accommodate for this overwhelming experience, a person undergoes catharsis where their mental schemata is reset. In this release of emotions, one accepts their place in the universe and becomes a better self. Dunstan and Paul rely on religion and magic for the mending of a traumatized childhood. The reenactment of the Christian Faust legend in the magic act portrays the eternal struggle of good versus evil in humanity. Eisengrim, as an allusion to Jesus, provides wonder and release to his audience. In Fifth Business, Magic and religion both reconstruct everyday experiences to provide catharsis in wonder.
The cold war by the late 1950s had weaved into the everyday life of society for both countries. The announcement from the US that they will launch a satellite into orbit was challenged by the Soviets. On October 4th 1957, the Soviet Union successfully launched Sputnik I. This was the world’s first artificial satellite and man-made object to be in earths orbit. The launch was unexpected to the US, having caught them off guard. As a result Sputnik began to raise fears amongst the public, fearing the possible event of a nuclear attack, due to previous cold war
Priscilla. “The World Economy and Africa.” JSpivey – Home – Wikispaces. 2010. 29 January 2010. .
The Space Race is remarkably similar to that of the arms race because of the parallel between the creation of the atomic bomb and the goal of reaching the moon. The United States’ bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki effectively established its place as the technologically superior nation; however, major milestones in space achieved early by the Soviets damaged America’s reputation. In 1957, Soviet scientists shocked the world by successfully launching the Sputnik 1, the first artificial satellite, beyond the Kármán Line (the boundary of space). This amazing breakthrough “rattled American self-confidence. It cast doubts on America’s vaunted scientific superiority and raised some sobering military questions.” This blow to national pride along with the fear that the Soviets could potentially launch ICBMs from space led to “Rocket fever”. The sudden wave of nationalism and the desire to build a space program worthier to that of the Soviet Union led to the...
Native Women’s Association of Canada. (2002). Aboriginal Women and Health Care in Canada. Retrieved from
He is a ruthless man who will stop at nothing to attain the highest stature of power possible. After killing the King, Claudius went and married his brother’s widowed wife, thus granting him top-tier King status. Wow, that’s uncannily coincidental. Hamlet strongly rebukes his mother, referring to her action of marrying Claudius as “a bloody deed” (III.iv.33). King Claudius’s manipulative actions only further contribute to his role as the predominant malefactor of the play. Claudius's marrying of the Queen serves as an ultimate betrayal of his brother, after viciously murdering him. Evidently, Claudius has no sense of good conscience, and his greedy nature has a grave influence over his
The name of my country is the Republic of Cameroon. Cameroon, which is located in Central Africa, shares its border with the Central African Republic, Chad, the Republic of the Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, and Nigeria. Cameroon has an area of 183,568 square miles. Tennessee is 42,180 square miles which means Cameroon is roughly 4.35x the size of Tennessee or a little bigger than California which is 163,695 square miles. Cameroon has a diverse terrain with coastal plain in the southwest, dissected plateau in the center, mountains in the west, and plains in the north. It has been called “Africa in miniature” because of this diverse terrain. Cameroon’s highest point is Fako on Mt. Cameroon (4,095m), and its lowest point is at the Atlantic Ocean (0m). The percentage of arable land in Cameroon is 13.04% (“Africa: Cameroon”). Cameroon’s climate varies across the country. It is tropical along the coast and has little rain for parts of the year and is hot in the north (Africa: Cameroon”). The north has a single wet season and high temperatures. This wet season is from May to the end of September. The south has a moderate climate with fairly constant temperatures and two wet seasons with heavy, regular rains. These wet seasons include a short rainy season from March to June and the big rains come between August and September (“Cameroon Climate and Weather”).
The Cold War’s political and military rivalry was matched by the so-called Space Race. From the mid-1950s to 1975, both the United States and Soviet Union struggled to outdo each other in space exploration technology and milestones. Each spent millions developing space-capable rockets, putting artificial satellites into orbit, designing and building orbiter ships, training astronauts, launching manned space missions, attempting to land men on the Moon and bring them home safely. Unlike other aspects of the Cold War, the Space Race – or at least its end results – was a very public phenomenon. Every ground-breaking invention, test, launch or event was accompanied by extensive media coverage and propaganda. Both superpowers repeatedly claimed
Counsellors must therefore realize that Aboriginal clients expect their counsellor to address their problems in a holistic way. Kirmayer and Valaskakis (2008) believe “even in the case of individual problems, connections with family, community, and the larger environment often hold the keys to understanding the problems and facilitating healing” (p. 339). The key is to focus beyond the individuals to engage and empower communities. Meanwhile, the root causes of mental health problems such as intergenerational trauma, poverty, unemployment and lack of housing need to be addressed alongside the consequent mental health issues (Smye & Mussell, 2001).
The space race had a great historical significance for the U.S. and the whole world. On the surface, it seemed as a battle of science and technology. In reality, it was actually a political battle between the world’s two major superpowers and their economic systems, an ideological battle between communism and capitalism. So, was the space race a waste of time? Could all those millions of dollars have been better invested in something else? Maybe, but it shouldn’t be forgotten that the space race stimulated research in many fields, and this research brought to many life changing developments. LED therapy to treat cancer, freeze-dried food, and the memory foam used in mattresses all resulted from the technologies developed by NASA for space. And let’s not forget to thank the space program for the much needed satellites for our GPS and cell phones!
The space race has made America a more dominant power in the world. It has progressed it politically to mark itself as a greater more powerful nation. Socially, the citizens of America are amazed by how the United States was able to win the space race by landing on the closest outer space object in history. However, though it is controversial that the soviet union should’ve won since they were the first to send an orbiting man, the United States has won the race to seize and gain control and dominance in space. Though the space race was a huge competition, politicians deemed it a draw once they have finally have built the International Space Station (ISS). The space dominance have actually helped the U.S. since it was able to show areas on the Earth and provide a military step up in imagery and GPS. The space race has made America the nation it is today.
The rebuilding of Togo’s economic trade and investments is one of the most important goals I have as the newly appointed Absolute Leader. Togo is rich with many natural resources
Kenya is a republic of East Africa. It is bordered by the Indian Ocean on the southeast. The capital of Kenya is Nairobi. It is located in the south central part of the country. It has a population of 1.5 million. The National Musum of Kenya, the National Theater and the University of Nairobi are in the city.
Juniper Research has concluded that there will be a rapid progression which will be consistent for smartphones that will be capable of handling augmented reality applications. Total Immersion, which is one of the AR solution inventor, expressed their views on this and were very positive about augmented reality in becoming an integral part on mobile devices (Total Immersion, 2011).