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Chapter 1

1.0 Introduction

1.1 Background of the Study

Communication as an essential part of human interaction cannot be overemphasized. The benefits of effective communication are many and obvious as they enhance all aspects of our personal and professional lives (SIES Journal of management April- August 2010). In today’s organizations, computer technologies play an increasingly important part as media for business communication Van den Hoff et al. (2005).

Today, even traditional brick and mortar organizations must establish a web presence if they want to remain competitive. A strong business case can be made that organizations that don’t enter the e-commerce fray will eventually be left in the technology dust (Trepper: 2000).

E-commerce however, is really much more than just exchanging products or services for money over the internet. It is an enabling technology that allows businesses to increase the accuracy and efficiency of business transaction processing. E-commerce is also a way for organizations to exchange information with customers and vendors to the benefit of everyone involved. Eventually, e-commerce will likely replace the movement of paper within and between organizations, as well as between organizations and consumers (Rush: 2003).

Electronic commerce and Electronic Banking are two most important areas where applications of biometrics have emerged. Advances in the technology used for electronic transactions have opened these areas to biometrics. Applications include Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT), Automated Teller Machine (ATM), cheque cashing, credit and security, smart card security and online transactions (Encyclopedia, 2008). Electronic commerce has been moving very slowly, largely as a result o...

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... through the E-channels of the bank. In this study, focus was on the customers of the bank. Three branches that are closest to Marina branch were selected, considering their proximity to the Marina branch, where the researcher’s office was located. This enabled the researcher to achieve timely feedback on research instruments. Data was collected using primary and secondary sources. The primary sources consisted of survey carried out using questionnaires that were mailed to the customers of the bank. The secondary sources included the assessment of the report submitted by the E-Business unit, the monthly reports obtained from Technology, review of articles downloaded from Google scholar and EBSCO websites, BSN course materials, subset meetings with colleagues, and researcher’s observation of the organization and knowledge gained from the recommended textbook.

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