Freud Vs Jung Personality Essay

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Personality, is defined as the combination of characteristics or qualities that form an individual's distinctive character. But when it comes down to it many different theorists define personality in many different ways. First we see that Sigmund Freud's states that he uses what he calls his own, psychoanalytic theory of personality, and Freud even argues “that human behavior is the result of the interactions among three component parts of the mind: the id, ego, and superego.” ("Freudian Psychoanalytic Theory of Personality - Boundless Open Textbook") We have also read some information about how Carl Jung defines personality and he uses, eight personality types based introversion as well as extroversion. Jung states that our attitudes seem to have a tendency, to behave in a certain manner. Jung believed that individuals who classify themselves as introverts place importance on their personal views of the world, while individuals who classify themselves as extroverts seem to place more importance on detachment and surrounding influences. I believe that with Freud, and Jung’s ideas and theories, on how they each determine and define what they think or believe that personality is, has been …show more content…

Each theorist plays such a different role in the way that they view personality. Not only do their view or theories come from each a different culture, but both Freud and Jung have also theories and views of personality in such different times. Like I believe that Jung’s theories are more exact for what our culture now views as ethical, rather than that of Freud’s theory. The reasoning as to why I believe this is all is due to the fact, that there are more people who seem to find that Freud’s theory is a little bit more unethical due to his strong views of how sexuality plays into our subconscious as well as our personalities, and who we grow to

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