French Fashion Essay

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French fashion is recognised for the innovative touches and sophisticates designs. France has had some of the best designers off all time and there work is still very recognised now by people all over the world. Fashion items such as the thigh high skirts with geometric shapes continue to be striking examples of French Fashion. France has been the centre of the high fashion standards since the 16th century. It has played and important part in the fashion industry for many years. Paris has been named the fashion capital of the world. Many of the world’s famous designer have came from France, such as Coco Chanel, Christian Dior and Jean-Paul Gaultier.

Coco Chanel undeniably influential in popularising the famous LBD in Paris during the 1920’s. The LBD is something that hasn’t gone out of fashion since it was invented. The garment can be still purchased now from many stores, they are also in a lot of designer’s collection every season. The LBD is now considered to be an essential item for every woman’s wardrobe, most women will own at least one of these garments. A woman who hasn’t ever bought one of Coco Chanel’s original designs will still own something in their wardrobe that has been inspired by the designer. 1883 when the high-society French women only wore skirts and hats with plumes, Chanel changed all that being one of the first women to wear trousers in public. French fishermen and their navy blue and white stripy tops were the inspiration to Chanel’s designs. Chanel made a big impact on the change how women started to dress.

At the beginning of the early 20th century, having skin that was brown was associated with the lower class people. But while Chanel was on a cruise she accidentally got burnt, once she has returned to ...

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... in trouser suits. Every day women are seen in trouser suits thanks to Saint Laurent.

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