Frank’s Transformation in Bernard Malamud’s The Assistant

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The Assistant shows that Morris Bober as a good example of what one person can be. Frank on the other hand, is the exact opposite although he tries to struggle to rise above his weaknesses and become a better person of who he is, like Saint Francis of Asisi whom he admires. In the beginning of the novel, Frank’s behavior is shown when he steals from Morris and lusts over Helen. He knows that it is wrong to steal from Morris, but he has a hard time controlling himself because he thinks that the grocery would not be successful without making as much if he were not helping Morris. He also had a hard time controlling his sexual urges towards Morris’ daughter, Helen. He spies on her then he pressures her for sex, until it got to the point when he completely lost his control and raped her. Later in the novel, readers will wonder if he would be able to turn his life around and be able to change for the better. In the end of the novel, readers will realize that Morris’ treatment to Frank has influenced him to become a changed man. Frank will also end up having the charitable characteristics Morris exhibited in the beginning of the novel. “It was a strange thing about people—they could look the same but be different” (243), as Helen realizes upon looking at Frank. “He had been one thing, low, dirty, but because of something in himself—he had changed into somebody else, and no longer what he had been” (243). In Bernard Malamud’s The Assistant, Frank Alpine’s transformation was made possible by Morris’ influence to be a better person.

Morris’ is known to be honest, thoughtful, charitable, and compassionate in this novel. His character made him a good example for everyone especially for Frank in this novel. His good deeds influenced Fran...

... middle of paper ... something wrong. There is always repentance and a chance to change for the better like Frank was doing in the later parts of the novel. He started not to expect anything in return anymore. When Morris died, Frank did everything to act as the breadwinner of Morris’ family. “It’s his store. Let it support you to go to college like he wanted you to” (239). Frank told Helen when he told her he wanted to pay for her college.

“Then one day, for no reason he could give, though the reason felt familiar, he stopped climbing up the air shaft to peek at Helen, and he was honest in the store ” (242). Frank used to be the robber, the rapist and the liar. With all the experiences he has been through, Frank successfully redeemed himself through the help of Morris’ example and his lessons that he gave him. He has become the person he wants to be. He has become like Morris.

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