Frankenstein And The Monster Comparison

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Frankenstein is a novel created by Mary Shelley, and the tale follows a monstrous duo. In the story, the main character Victor Frankenstein has a deep ardor for science. In particular, though, he has a significant love for the magical sciences. Throughout his life he explored the study of science, and he was filled with a great desire to become the next great name in the science world. Eventually, he put all his knowledge to use and attempted to create life; something that had never been done before. With his knowledge of practical and magical sciences, he felt he could accomplish this. After a long period of studying and hard work, he managed to create life. To his dismay, this life form was monstrous and bizarre. Unable to cope with what he had created, Victor fled from his own creation. This led to the unfortunate events that would soon follow. Victor absolutely despised his creation, but despite this they had an unbreakable bond. The two shared many differences, but with this they …show more content…

The Monster, though, looked incredibly different than his creator. Victor was a human like everyone else, while the Monster had characteristics that were deemed hideous and terrifying. Unfortunately, this difference between the two led the Monster to live a life of solitude and desperation. Despite these differences, they still shared many similarities. First off, Victor and the Monster wanted love and companionship in their lives. Both craved emotional closeness, but only one got it. A significant difference though is that the Monster never had anyone, while Victor started off with loved ones. Ultimately, the two end up with no one they cherish, and this is a similarity. Even though the cause of Victor’s solitude is because of the Monster, Victor’s ending is still the same as the Monster’s. In the end, Victor felt the same loneliness and despair towards the world as the Monster did, and this was the Monster’s

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