Frank Capra: What If?

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Frank Capra is a leading figure in the world of cinema and filming. He has experimented with the shift from the silent age to sound. He has influenced many people with his artistic talent and has contributed his work to the film industry. As of today his films are monumental and include many aspects of life that people can relate towards. But his existence is essential in which his films have made major impacts on a wide range of people.
With his popularity rising, Frank Capra utilized his movie techniques to create films that dealt with the Great Depression and films that could empathize with the American people. Capra tried to instill his own ideas into his films that successfully swayed his viewers with thematic issues of faith and patriotism. His movies displayed many aspects of the American Dream, that can be traced back to his origins as a poor boy, to his future as a famous film director. This in part influenced the public as they watched as dreams do come true in his captivating motion pictures. People of today still remember Capra by rewatching his famous films such as the...

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