France Vs Spain

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France has had a leader that was in office for 20 minutes (“King Louis XIX”). Louis-Antoine d’Artois formally known as King Louis XIX was named king of France in 1830. He would 20 minutes later step down for the request of his wife. He would make history for the shortest time as king. Spain is one of France’s borders. Spain and France have many differences in their religion, government, and their culture. Religion is a main part of both Spain and France. Spain’s main Religion is Roman Catholic at 94% of the population ("Spain). Spain’s has had history with other religions as well. This would include groups of Muslims, Jews, and Christians ("Spain). The time since then most people have been adapted to the belief of Roman Catholic. Roman Catholicism is similar to the belief of Christianity. France’s religion has a different view. In today’s world, France has about half of the population as Catholics, while the other half is non-religious. France was at one time officially a catholic country (“Religion in France."). In 1905 the landmark law was passed allowing the division of the state along with the church (“Religion in France."). Catholics believe in the bible, god’s commandments, and Jesus is the son of god. Spain and France not only have …show more content…

Spain’s government is a monarchy. A monarchy is where the country is ruled by either a king or queen. Francisco Franco was the dictator of Spain before the first constitution and never named a successor. Franco’s death would cause the constitution of 1978 to be passed and set Spain as a monarch. France’s Government is run by a republic. A republic is where the country is governed by elected leaders according to law. France’s government is established by the fifth republic ("The French Political System"). . This republic was amended in 1958 by its first president General de Gaulle ("The French Political System"). Spain and France are also very different in their life

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