Fox News Bias

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The news industry has been known to supply heart wrenching stories from around the world, right to our living rooms. What most people do not know is, how reliable IS Fox news? Considering news is a part of mass media, you would not think any information that makes it on there would be altered in any way- except for length and clarity- but some of the “stories” do get altered, almost to a point where it seems biased and too emotional. The portrayal of information in Fox news relies heavily on ratings, causing them to only display emotional stories and not what should be news worthy. Fox news has been known to have controversies on whether or not they can be trusted, and where they stand in certain situations, stirring many articles and researchers to determine their reliability. It has been researched that approximately sixty percent of all “facts” reported by Fox news are false (Mintpress News Desk). The Network has become one of the biggest sources that lie to the public, beating numbers even from CNN and MSNBC. A poll from the Pew Research Center Project for Excellence in Journalism was determining the percentage of commentary/opinion and factual reporting for three different news groups: Fox, CNN, and MSNBC. Fox news has been shown to be forty-five percent factual reporting, but fifty-five …show more content…

Each anchor has their own viewpoint of the world and determines, in their way, how to portray that information in mainstream media. Anchors in news stations will try in any way to make themselves look like they are in the right, even if they have to change the stories to appeal to certain audiences. Viewers sometimes may have awareness where they know that some of the things they see on Fox are not true, but will viewers honestly fact check everything they see or hear on the news? No, not really, they would rather just hear it, feel what they want to feel, and it eventually becomes

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