Four Types Of Reliability In Research

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Reliability is the extent to which an assessment tool produces stable and all way consistent results regardless the time and frequency the research is carried out. There are four types of reliability as far as Human Services Research is concerned. They include:
Test-retest reliability
This reliability entails a measure that is obtained by administering the same test twice over a given period to a group of people. The scores of the related time say A or B, in this case, can be correlated to evaluate the test for stability over time. An example of this reliability is when for instance, a test is designed to assess learning in psychology and the second results indicate correlation and stability of the research study.
Internal consistency …show more content…

It is useful because different observers will not interpret the answers the same way. In this scene, some may differ and therefore give different opinions over the same issue. An example of inter-rater reliability is when different raters evaluate the degree to which particular portfolio meet specific art standards. It is thus worth to note that this kind of reliability is sufficient to use in cases of art and not Math.
Parallel forms reliability
This is a kind of reliability found upon administering different versions of assessment to the same group of people (Morse at al 2002). Scores from both versions can then be correlated to evaluate the consistency of the results. An example of such is when you conduct an assessment of critical thinking, and then you create a large set of items before splitting them again.
In the same line of reliability is the factor of validity. This is how effective a test measures what is supposed to be measured. Like reliability, there are types of validity as illustrated below:
Sampling …show more content…

Their efficient and purpose, however, differ from one another. Some of these methods include questionnaires, interviews, and document reviews. The use of questionnaires, for instance, gathers information from people in a nonthreatening way thus being the most preferred among the other.
Interviews, on the other hand, are used to understand fully someone’s impression or even learn about their answers in the questionnaires. Although they are time-consuming, reliable data is collected by the researchers. Consequently, this information is accurate and valid to the people the research should assist.
Nevertheless, there is the use of document review as a method and tool. This tool ensures a researcher collects and gathers information when he or she wants an impression of how strategy operates without interrupting the same strategy.
Importance of validity and reliability of data collection tools
Collected data should be satisfactory for the researchers and the targeted group of individuals. When the data collection tools and methods are valid and reliable, one is sure that the collected data and information is then right and dependent (Read, 2013). Moreover, the validity of collection tools ensures accurate data collection hence satisfying the whole

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