Four Spiritual Laws
Summary of Method – The method that I choose was “Four Spiritual Laws.” The basic summary of this method of evangelism is there are four simple and straight forward points that evangelist must present in order to reach the person who is being evangelized. In other words, these four laws are constant and are needed in order to understand the Gospel and salvation. These laws include: God loves you, man is sinful and separated from God, Jesus Christ is God's only provision for man's sin, and we must individually receive Jesus as Savior and Lord.
Advantages of Using This Method: The Four Spiritual Laws has many advantages. The first one is that it starts off on a positive note. It starts with “God loves you.” That is actually very refreshing for a non-believer to hear. For many who have not converted yet to Christianity, they may feel as if God does not love them because of their sin however this could not be farther from the truth. God loves everything within his creation which is helpful for a non-believer to hear. Two more advantages that it has is its brevity and is organization. With this method the evangelist can be brief since there are only four laws that come with it. Non-believers may be turned off if the message is too lengthy or even difficult to understand. Thus by shorting it to four simple concise laws, it not only makes it easy for the evangelist to remember and state, but also keeps the non-believer interested and knowledgeable of the Gospel.
Disadvantages of Using This Method – There happen to be a couple of disadvantages to this method as well. The first is one is that it over-simplifies the process of being converted and the Gospel. The fact that those who are being preached to by the message ha...
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...t way to evangelize is to be brief, get the message across clearly and allowing the non-believer to ask questions at their own pace. This will make the non-believer feel like they are in control and not make them feel bombarded with information.
Works Cited
• "Choose Languages." The Four Spiritual Laws. Global Media Outreach, n.d. Web. 02 Dec. 2013.
• EVANGELISMHELP. "Door-to-door Evangelism." Door-to-door Evangelism. EVANGELISM HELP, 22 Jan. 2013. Web. 02 Dec. 2013.
• EVANGELISMHELP. "“Evangelism” Methods: Lifestyle Evangelism." “Evangelism” Methods: Lifestyle Evangelism. EVANGELISM HELP, 22 Jan. 2013. Web. 01 Dec. 2013.
• "Methods of Evangelism – Lifestyle Evangelism (Part One)." The Virtuous Girls. Virtuous Girls, 21 Mar. 2013. Web. 02 Dec. 2013.
• Slick, Matt. "The Four Spiritual Laws." CARM. Christian Apologetics & Research Ministry, n.d. Web. 02 Dec. 2013.
Andy Stanley shows how to become deep and wide by staying simple in a church. First, he accomplishes this by keeping programming simple. By making the programs simple he can get more involvement from those who attend North Point. Secondly, Stanley demonstrates easy simplistic ways to move people through the discipleship process. By making this process simple those who attend North Point can more easily reach the community around them. Even though these are a few of the many applications used by Stanley he effectively helps pastors by giving them simple steps to bring people closer to Christ without a church background.
Youth Ministry is Holistic |. (n.d.). Tree of Life. Retrieved January 24, 2014, from
You need to not preach your personal theology but preach the theology of the church
He uses emotional appeal the most because it is easier to connect to people through their emotions. Jonathan Edwards, in my personal opinion, used all the rhetorical appeals and successfully delivered a moving sermon. After his sermon there where many people converted and who had trust in Jesus Christ as their savior. Edwards’s sermon had a dramatic effect on his listeners. Many people believe that it was all due to his fiery descriptions of hell and eternal damnation. In the background of the sermon it stated “Edwards believed that religion should be rooted not only in reason but also in emotion” (Interactive Reader's right and believing in what you say is all it takes to make the difference. How can we apply this to our lives? Sharing God's gift of salvation to every person we know, no matter what they might say or think since the gospel is God's power for salvation, and if we are totally sure about that, then why should we keep it a secret? Surely, your message will not return empty. -. Web. The Web. The Web. 14 Mar. 2014.
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Life Application Study Bible: Personal Size Edition. 2nd. Carol Stream: Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., 2004. Print.
Eastman, Roger. The Ways of Religion: An Introduction to the Major Traditions. Third Edition. Oxford University Press. N.Y. 1999
Richardson, William E., and Dave Kidd. “Articles.” Pentecostal Evangel. General Council of the Assemblies of God. Web. 13 Nov. 2011.
LaRue, Jr, John C. "A Glimpse at Christian Teens |" | Magazines, News, Church Leadership & Bible Study. 31 Mar. 2009 .
The method of evangelism that I used for my witness report was the “Four Spiritual Laws.” I chose this method because it is simple straight to the point, and has facts that I believe cannot be disputed. It is also quick and simple to explain. How I started the conversation was simple actually, for a while one of my family members has been confused about if there is a god or not and the last time I came home we spoke about what I have learned down at Liberty. Thus I thought it would be a good idea to bring up what I learned during these past few weeks from this class. of course what I have learned from this class are different ways to evangelize and that is how the conversation started.
The classification of conversion motifs is helpful into directing research into factors in the conversion process that have been long ignored and among these interpersonal relationships between the potential convert and the advocate. The advocate is often a friend who initiates and sustains the potential convert in the group. Sometimes simple factors such as marriage convert one partner.
Evangelism is one of the key component for changing people’s lives. McRaney states, “The word evangelism comes from a combination of Greek words for “good” and “messenger.” Evangelism involves bringing the goods. Kent Hunter reminded us that “when Christians witness, they tell how Jesus Christ has changed their own lives. The change in their own lives gives them the desires to share the Good News with others.” Christians must share their testimony to people and spread the gospel so that they can bring lost souls to Christ. God has commissioned every Christian to evangelize so that people will learn about Jesus Christ and accept Him as their personal savior. Matthew 28:19 states, “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit”. Christians are required to spread the Gospel throughout the world and can no longer just attend church. Christians must plant seeds and water the seeds so that lost souls will be saved.
That is an important point. Whether a preacher uses expository preaching, narrative, testimony, or conversational interaction with the congregation, she can still point to the gospel, and the “eternal truth” of Jesus Christ while sharing the Good News of the Gospel whatever form her sermon