Four Life Principles

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A principle is a way you live, believe, and value. I believe the key to life is four principles; love, faith, and obedience. These are principles that I adopted into my daily life to be the person I plan to be. It laid out the foundation of what I desire in life and the fundamental norms of being content. Love is a principle that reminds me to sacrifice for the good of others. I sacrifice my time for God, my family, and friends. This is because I am able to give up my wishes for another's aspirations and in the end be blessed with self-satisfaction instead of material objects. This allows me to humble myself and gain self-confidence knowing I did a good deed for another not expecting anything in return. Loving thy neighbor help builds my character allowing me to love myself. As a student in college, you are constantly battling the idea of meeting the standards of the world and discovering who you are. Many students lose their identity and please others but with my principles, I try to focus on them to stay true to myself while creating the person I love.  …show more content…

Faith is used when I sit in a chair and expect it to support my body weight. Even when I wake up the next day to pursue my goals I have faith that I will have a good night sleep and be ready to fight for the next. Without faith, you cannot go forward because you have no vision of seeing the impossible and making it possible. Writing this 500-word essay took a leap of faith, not knowing whether I will win but believing and hoping that I am one of the top two winners. Furthermore, having faith and putting in hard work never disappoints anyone. This is because, with hard work put behind confidence and faith, there will be success waiting for you on the other

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