Formative Assessment And Summative Assessment

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Formative assessments are imperative to making adjustments when teaching, while summative assessments give educators information on how effective the curriculum is. However these assessments would be unavailing if data is not collected, analyzed, and presented correctly. Data plays an essential role in teaching, as it allows educators to apply the information they collect into their classroom, but not all teachers collect data or provide feedback effectively. However, after completing the class readings and receiving feedback from my peers, I now feel confident that I have developed an effective feedback and data plan for my assessments. The first step I took when creating a plan for my data was to determine how I would go about collecting …show more content…

For students, knowing how they can improve on their work is an incredible asset, as it allows them to understand that they can control their own advancement in their education. Additionally, However, feedback is more than simply returning student work. When student work is given back, some students will focus on only the grade they received rather than the feedback presented on the paper, and because of this, feedback should always be shared with to the class in a way that is engaging (Moss, 2009). When developing my feedback and data plan, I took this into account as I have decided to present student data to the class. For example, when it comes to my postcard assignment, I avoid giving feedback to my students by handing back each students graded postcard. Instead, I chose to make brief comments about each student’s postcard by returning their work the next day with a response postcard written by me. This response postcard will point out what they have done well in their writing, as well as what they could improve on, and by doing this I can ensure that my students are comprehending the feedback I provide, rather than focusing on their

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