Foreign Policy Dbq

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Throughout the 20th century, successive presidents pursued foreign policy in different ways but with one objective and that is to make America the most powerful nation on earth. Despite the challenges of each administration during this century, presidents found a way to put American at the frontline as the undisputed super power. President Taft pursued an aggressive foreign policy by introducing dollar diplomacy which was meant to encourage U.S. investments in the Latin America and the Caribbean. He used government officials to promote this policy in hope that it will create markets for American products in the region. President Wilson made a promise to the American people that he will focus on domestic policy agenda and rarely will his administration …show more content…

That policy stance did not last longer because in 1914, he was confronted by the arrest of U.S. sailors in Mexico which forced him to dramatically change American foreign policy by sending troops across the border to depose the government of General Victoriano Huerta whom he had accused of being a dictator. He also accused Huerta of failing to maintain order in Mexico so that interests of the American people and their businesses can be protected. When World War I broke out in Europe in August of 1914, he came out declaring that the U.S. government and its people will remain neutral in the war. But a series of German attacks on U.S. and ally ships and vessels killing thousands of people including hundreds of Americans caused the general mood among the American people about the war to change. Congress declared war on April 6, 1917 in support of Britain and France. As part of his fourteen points, Wilson proposed formation of a body that will be assigned to handle international disputes which was later named League of …show more content…

The wars that America fought was primarily for that reason. The formation of the European Union was a key strategy by United States to ensure that European countries are consolidated under one umbrella that controls the political and economic affairs of the region. United States’ economic mighty, political and cultural appeal and strong military has helped maintain the status as the only truly global power. U.S. used its power to promote democracy and support countries under siege both from internal and external aggressions, a strategy that they also used to promote the interests of American companies and its people. The U.S. foreign policy through the 20th century was meant to take the lead in creating effective international institutions and arrangements to handle new challenges especially those rising from Europe, Asia and Latin America. The U.S. wanted to lead not only because it alone could have helped the international community overcome its problems, but feared that it is most likely to be hurt if it does not act. Following the victory in World War II, the U.S. led the efforts to create United Nations and NATO and also facilitated formation of new regimes in some countries to promote democracy, economic recovery, development, and prosperity which benefited those countries and their people and

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