How Did Roosevelt's Foreign Policy Of 2003 Apush Dbq

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1.)The idea heralded by Frederick Jackson Turner that the supply of natural resources was soon going to continue to become lesser and lesser available caused the people fear. This fear or lack of natural resources urged them to find alternative resources abroad. Many people strived to look oversea in search of new markets. During this time, foreign trade became more vital to the American economy, leading to the idea of acquiring of colonies to expand markets. The Spanish-American war was caused by U.S intervention during Cuba’s fight for independence against Spanish misrule. 2.) During this time, the Philippines were struggling for independence. The conflict began when the Philippines disagreed and objected the terms of the Treaty of Paris. The Spanish-American War resulted in the United States taking possession of the Philippines from Spain by the terms of the Treaty of Paris, then ending the war. …show more content…

Roosevelt's foreign policy was the "Big Stick Policy." This is a policy in which one speaks softly, but always have a “big stick”, or the Navy, which was to be used when necessary, or to intimidate others into getting what they want. “Dollar Diplomacy” was the foreign policy of Taft. Taft’s policy had to do more with investing in foreign affairs, in which the United States invests in other countries, and if one of those countries were distrupted, the US would help. Wilson's foreign policy was the "Moral Diplomacy". His main goals with this policy was to spread democracy, promote peace, and condemn

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