Food Before Thanksgiving

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I love to eat different kinds of food, especially sweet ones such as cookies or pie. Despite this fact, I have very little experience in baking and cooking, and the only things that I am willing to bake are foods with premixed formulas. Due to my apathy, I have very few baking ingredients within my house. The oven is mainly used as a storage area for unused kitchenware rather than something for actually making food.
Over the weekend before Thanksgiving, these facts somewhat changed. My friend, Vivi, came over to my house to visit. I have had an amity with her for years, and I greeted her excitedly as she entered the door since I have not seen her in a month. She took off her shoes and laid them at the entrance before following me upstairs to the living room.
Vivi and I sat on the wooden living room floor, playing cards and discussing what we have been doing for the past month, but this activity can only be done for so long before it becomes as boring as watching paint dry. We half-heartedly played another game of Spit before Vivi mentioned in the spirit of Thanksgiving that we should bake a pie.
Baking? A pie?” I asked, “I can barely even bake brownies that have pre made formulas. This is way above my level (although many people would think that this is quite an easy recipe).”
“Well I haven’t baked anything like this …show more content…

My mother laid the dough on the inner edges of the tray and Vivi and I poured the filling onto that. I then carefully covered it all with a layer of dough. A thought occurred to me at that point. Most professionally baked pies contain holes on the top. There has to be a reason for that (researching further after we finished baking it, the holes apparently allow air to escape so the crust would not bubble or crack). Following this idea, I poked a couple of holes on the top with a fork even though it did not look very aesthetically

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