Focus Student Focus Reflection

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- The areas of strength of Focus Student one is talking in the class discussion, being positive, and being able to talk about how this reading pertains to his disability. A specific example is the student was able to talk in the discussion and then from the discussion answer the questions with little assistance. From his work I can see he used what we talked about in the discussion to answer the questions and apply them to himself. An area that needs improvement is giving more detail or elaboration to his answers. From his work some of his answers I had to look back at other questions to see what his strengths were that he was relating to the answer.
b. What feedback did you provide and how did that feedback address areas of strength and areas …show more content…

I talked with the student privately and went over his assignment with him. I went through each section and at the end I told him what area he did well overall. I then addressed the areas of the student’s needs with him. I pointed to answers and asked him if he could explain more and he could. The last couple answers I feel could have contained more detail or explanation.
c. Based on the results and feedback, what steps did you take to help Focus Student 1 understand his or her progress toward the learning goal(s)? How did you use the rubric or scoring guide and student work to promote that understanding?
- Based on the results I will take steps to help Focus Student one understand his progress toward his learning goal. One step I will take is reminding the student to answer the whole questions and to back up his answers with facts or details. I will use a scoring guide to promote student learning by having a section that asks that will be for answering the whole question and giving supporting details or explanation. The student can then see as their work is scored if they are progressing towards answering the questions with more details.
d. How will the results of the first assessment or assignment inform your instruction? Provide specific examples of adjustments you made to your instruction for Focus Student

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