Ethical Guidelines at Fly Away Parts

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At Fly Away Parts, we are dedicated to conducting business with high standards of ethics and in compliance with the law. The following code applies to, but is not limited to, Fly Away Parts employees, consultants, agents, and board of directors. Please be aware that this code of ethics does not address all scenarios that may arise. It is simply a set of guidelines that represents the company’s policies and values. If you have any questions or know of a violation, please contact your management, Human Resources, or the Legal department.
Fly Away Parts strives for a comfortable work environment that is free from harassment and discrimination. Unwelcome conduct, verbally or physically, that is based …show more content…

Up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave (per calendar year) is permissible after the birth of a child or the placement of an adopted or foster-care child with the employee. Paid maternity leave is not offered at Fly Away Parts.
Fly Away Parts relies on its assets to fulfill its vision. Company assets include physical property and intangible property. Physical property includes items such as buildings, workstations, equipment, and computers. Intangible property includes intellectual property, trade secrets, and other proprietary information. Theft or damage of company assets will impact the company’s success and will not be tolerated by Fly Away Parts.
In order to comply with the law, some financial records must be reported. This data is required to be accurate and all inclusive. If you or one of your employees calculates, records, and reports financial data, you must ensure all entry data is accurate.
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To do so, it is important that all employees, contractors, and anyone representing the company follow all applicable environmental laws and regulations. If necessary, Fly Away Parts will obtain all required permits and licenses to operate applicably under the law.
Solicitation can cause an unnecessary disruption in the workplace. Therefore, in order for production to remain at high levels, solicitation is not permitted during work hours or in work areas at Fly Away Parts. Printed materials are not to be distributed on Fly Away Parts’ property. If you have any questions regarding what is considered to be a “work area”, please contact your manager or Human Resources.
Everyone is required to follow all policies listed above that relate to their job. If a violation of the code of ethics is discovered, Fly Away Parts holds the right to discipline or terminate the involved individual. Additionally, those who report violations cannot be retaliated against. Finally, remember to act with integrity at all times while on the job or when representing Fly Away Parts.

Fly Away Parts may adjust the above code of ethics at any time without prior

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