Fluoride In Children Essay

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Dental Fluoride in children
Dental fluoride treatment is one of the most effective ways to inhibit tooth decay and maintain first-rate dental health in kids. Making the tooth more impermeable to acid attacks instigated by sugars and plaque bacteria in the mouth; fluoride acts as armor for the outer enamel layer of the teeth and essentially has the aptitude to reverse initial dental decay in some circumstances.
What exactly is fluoride?
Fluoride is a naturally existing mineral found in water, lots of foods, within the earth’s crust, and extensively throughout nature. Fluoride is often added to tap water supplies for consumption and to toothpastes for kids and adults.
Why kids require fluoride?
Fluoride is advantageous for all kids for it helps shield young teeth from detrimental acid and can essentially reverse initial signs of dental decay (reverse very minor cavities). Insensitive acids in the mouth are formed, when bacteria merges with sugars. The acid harms the hard defensive outer layer of the tooth called enamel. Every day, minerals are lost and added to the enamel layer of the teeth through naturally happening procedures called demineralization and remineralization. Minerals are lost (demineralization) when acid attacks the enamel and minerals like phosphates, calcium and fluoride (which …show more content…

Having fluoride professionally applied during a pediatric dental visit specializing in Dentistry for kids in Gurgaon guarantees that your child’s teeth have received a satisfactory and protective amount, to efficaciously barricade acidic breakdown of the enamel layer of the teeth. Only petty amounts of fluoride are required for kids to get the maximal benefits. Professional dental fluoride treatments for kids are applied to the teeth in a gel, foam or varnish

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