Flipping The Classroom Video Analysis

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In the world of education, the curriculum is ever changing. The new curriculum that is being talked about is that of Flipping the Classroom. Flipping the classroom curriculum is reversing the curriculum, the students do homework at school and the school work at home (Cohen & Brugar, 2013). The way this curriculum works is the teacher will make short video clips for the students to watch at home or when ever they are working on their school work. This video can consequently help those who have been out sick, so they are not so far behind. The premise of this concept is that supposed to make the school work easier. The student will watch the videos and do the work if questions arise then they can ask them in class the next day when they are …show more content…

The material that associated with this flip posted on YouTube so that the students can watch it over and over. Johnstone (2013), the YouTube videos that he is posting are getting any where from 100-170 visits per video. This tells him that their students and or parents are watching more than once (Graham & Walker). Massey, (213), works with military students and finds that it is easier if the students have the videos so that their parents can help from overseas or a deployment. There are a few problems associated with the Standard Inverted classroom, one being time management, and the lack of technology for the low income personal (Graham & Walker). The next flipped curriculum, is discussion-oriented accourdingly it uses some of the same techniquesa as the Standard inverted classroom does but this flip is more associated with thinking classes; history, art, or English. The next one is demonstration-focused, this flip is for those subjects that need the repetive activities, chemistry, physics and just about all math classes. The gaux-flipped classroom is used in classed where as homework might not be a huge idea just yet. The students would engage the videos in class consequently as the teacher goes one on one with studnets. The group based is new to the flipping curriculum in that it uses group study so that the students can learn from one another. This curriculum is good to use in the idea is leaning through peer taugh instruction. A student might get something easier if another student explained it in their jargon. The virtual flipped classroom is one that is not as common

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