Flat Finn Imaginary Friend Quotes

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In the novel “Flat Out Love” by Jessica Park, Matt’s sister Celeste has a “life-size cardboard cutout of their brother Finn.” She has this rather strange cut out for a good reason: she misses Finn who has been away for several months. However, it is odd for a thirteen-year-old girl to talk to a cardboard cutout and have the need to bring him everywhere she goes. In a way, “Flat Finn” is an imaginary friend; someone who isn’t actually carbon-copy real, but whom she thinks is real. I easily see why she has him, despite her age. Finn was evidently someone who had an impact in her life, and having him temporarily gone is something she can’t handle well, but having this “imaginary friend” helps her cope. I relate to Celeste in this regard, but in

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