Olivia Missing Toys

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Introduction I have chosen a book written and illustrated by Ian Falconer ‘Olivia…and the Missing Toy’. It was published by Simon and Schuster. The age group chosen for the development of this task is Prep – Year 2. The text and its features ‘Olivia …and the Missing Toy’ tells the tale of Olivia, a highly strung, self-centred and very loud little pig. She loses her absolute favourite toy while her mum makes her a red soccer jersey. Olivia gets so bored waiting for her mum to finish her jersey that she takes her toy and her cat out for a walk. When she returns, Olivia's mother has finally completed the thankless task of making a soccer jersey. She presents the finished product to a disinterested Olivia. Does Olivia thank her mother? Oh no! Suddenly Olivia realises that her favourite toy is gone. She looks everywhere for her toy! She demands to know from her family who has taken her toy. She shouts at Ian and baby William; she throws a tantrum; all to no purpose. The toy remains lost. That night, Olivia hears an awful sound, her …show more content…

Students can relate to the book and think of times they’ve had to forgive someone in their life. Literacy continuum link -Express opinion and point of view-use speaking, visual elements (including drawing) and beginning writing to express likes and dislikes. Get the students to come up with a different ending where they would find the toy. Link to continuum - Use knowledge of text structures - use knowledge of some basic differences between imaginative and informative texts to select and use texts and compose simple learning area texts with teacher support. Students can bring in their favourite toy; these will then be used in an art activity such as a collage to create a visual representation of their toy. Link to continuum - Understand how visual elements create meaning - recognise the different meanings of words and images in imaginative and informative

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