Fitness and Wellness Coordinator is a profession that coordinates assigned programs and personnel, in areas such as fitness, aerobics, activities for seniors, adults and children, strength training and others. The purpose of this career is to provide professional fitness services to all members and clients of the center. Throughout exercises, proper nutrition and active life meet patient ‘health and fitness needs. Also provides support to the Fitness Manager in the overseeing of daily fitness operations of all fitness related services. Maintain a positive and professional behavior during interactions and work related relationships with all persons at the center including members. In order to become a Fitness & Wellness Coordinator you must studied 4 year and posses a Bachelor ‘Degree in Health and Wellness, or any other associated profession with some supervisory experience of 1 to 3 years of experience. Other requirement is to have comprehension and aptitude in fitness instruction, and preventive measures in health and fitness. A fitness & Wellness Coordinator must have the ability to communicate accordingly to their level of education and verbally and written to the staff and especially to their clients. After you obtain your BS you need to take courses in order to obtain especial certifications like First Aid, CPR; ACE, AFAA, ACSM, these course will provide us wider field to work and help people. Due to the high incidence of childhood obesity in USA, the government mandate that the schools district must implement local wellness policies in order to established better habits of eating and physical activity. The school system is considered a good resource to reach higher number of students and their families ... ... middle of paper ... resume that will get the employer attention. Also they will guide us in an interview preparation with the mocking interviews. This is a very interesting tools, because sometimes even tough we know and we have the knowledge, education and or experience required we get confused or nervous with interviews. Also they offered assistance with job fair, job search support, websites and links for jobs search. Probably I will be graduating at the beginning of next year; I am very excited about it. In the next five years I will love to see myself working for a company where I can apply my knowledge, and I have the opportunity to learn new things and new opportunities. I am flexible not only in schedule but also in roles, for which I am open for new challenges. Also I want to contribute to the company success in be part of the business accomplishment.
Still in the preparatory stage, review the details given in the vacancy and match up your skills to what they are looking for in a candidate. Pick out ...
I interested in the position you have posted as a Sport Performance Coach. I have been actively working in fitness, sports and wellness for the past 8 years. I am a very passionate person when it comes to helping people in living a more active and successful life. I’m dedicated to educating all individuals’ young or old, promoting achievement on the levels of physical, mental, emotional and social welfare. I take pride in staying up to date on the latest fitness and wellness research so that I can always be knowledgeable and provide the quality of customer service to all people that I work with no matter the situation.
openings are few and far between. In order to be fully prepared for the position
“Accept the challenge so that you can feel exhilaration of victory”. This quote was said by George S. Patton is discussion the important role that Athletic trainer should work and work until they win. Who are we are highly qualified multi skilled health care professionals. Also Athletic trainer prevent diagnosis treatment and rehabilitation of emergent acute or chronic injuries. Were also known for being high qualified multi skilled health care professional. Being and athletic trainer is a great and hardworking career. That involves meeting new people, dealing with different challenge each day, Also it has moderate schooling.
Bella, Laura La. Dream Jobs in Sports Fitness and Medicine. New York: Rosen Pub., 2013. Print.
accurately accounted for personnel and dependents during 25 exercises identifying their locations, ensuring their safety, and completed the process under required time frame.
A job analysis a great way to analyzed whether or not the individual is fit for the position. By creating a questionnaire that relates to the daily tasks for the position will narrow done the selection process into a smaller portion. The information given from the Job Analysis is also used to create a Job Description and Job Specification. “Job description identifies the tasks, duties, and responsibilities. The “job specification list the KSAOCs that individuals need to posses to perform a job successfully”(Pynes, 2013). After an individual is hired we must train that individual with the proper format in order for them to understand the concept of work. In this process I will develop a training program that includes all the organizations policies, procedures and daily tasks.
The University of Charleston’s LLO’s and Mission Statement can fully be applied to my future career and my service learning project. The future profession I would like to pursue at the University of Charleston is Athletic Training. Within this field I am given many opportunities to apply these LLO’s. Whether it be in the classroom, the AT Clinic or on the field, I can use them. I think that having them now and applying them before I start my career, will greatly improve my chances of succeeding.
Personally, I think anyone that is mentally and physically capable should be able to go through with this occupation. It has a good employment rate and a nice salary. For those who don’t want to be stuck in an office all day, I think that this would be a great choice It seems like it has its highs points and its low points, but I think that it is worth it. After all, you are not only helping others and keeping them in shape, but you are also staying active and helping to keep yourself in shape too.
IC’s fitness center hopes to achieve “... excellence by modeling integrity and professionalism that leads to a comprehensive educational experience, community pride, and personal well-being” (Reilley, 2016).
Employees need to be able to do physical activities for long periods without getting tired or running out of breath. Some helpful courses the employee may want to take in high school are Appliance Repair, Blueprint Reading, Drafting, Equipment Maintenance and Repair, Physical
Furthermore, instead of separating physical education and health classes, we should combine fitness and wellness programs. This program is where students can understand the how and why of fitness. These are all examples of fitness education, as you can see it goes hand in hand with physical fitness. You need the proper fitness education to engage in physical fitness, and have it be something that you chose to do for your life. There is a relationship between knowledge about exercise and youth behavior that suggests that knowing how to be physically active may be a significant influence in staying
Athletic sports trainers are highly qualified professionals who study in the field of sports medicine, also trained in preventing, recognizing, managing, and rehabilitating injuries that result in and from physical and sports activities. In order to become a sports trainer one must at minimum obtain a bachelor’s degree through an accredited athletic training program or attend school at a four year university and obtain a degree in sports training and management. Certification requirements vary from state to state, but almost all states require athletic trainers to have license or certification (“Athletic Training”). Athletic trainers must have achieved a bachelor’s degree from a four year college. Students who want to become certified athletic trainers must at earn a degree from an accredited athletic training curriculum (“Athletic Training”). Although athletic trainers need at least a bachelor’s degree an master’s degree can be the accredited to become an athletic trainer because of how the are so much in common. Requirements from most states also include graduating form an accredited program and also passing the (BOC) it requires the completion of a CAATE accredited program and passing an exam. In school settings trainers may have to take on some teaching responsibilities, and also need a teaching certificate or license. All certifications require completing the BOC exam, adhering to BOC standards of practice and disciplinary process, and taking continuing education course. High school students who are interested in taking athletic trainer programs should go through courses in anatomy, physiology, and physics. Some athletic trainers may need a higher degree to eligible...
Using a simple four step procedure, a company wellness program can create a culture where employees, managers, and stakeholders win. The implementation process is designed to be efficient, smart, goal oriented, and can be started right away with very little planning. Begin by identifying a coordinator who is able to dedicate the time needed for the process. Then choose team members from cross areas of the company, which will help create enthusiasm at all levels. It is imperative al l member’s work well as a team.
“What are some of the defining characteristics of the future workforce a decade in the future and beyond?” It is abundantly obvious that workforce requirements of the future will be radically different than they are today.