Financial Literacy

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Financial literacy is having the ability to understand how money works, and how to invest it wisely. “ The greatest rate of return you will ever earn is on your own personal spending. Being a smart shopper is the first step to being rich (Mark Cuban).” The necessity of financially literacy in our society today is essential. For something as important as financial literacy there should be more people with an understanding of the topic. Why is the U.S lacking in educating its citizens on this subject? The school is lacking in educating its students, as well as parents, and the government is setting a bad precedent with their financial indiscretions.

The educational system in the United States is seriously lacking when it comes to the subject of financial literacy. While classes are offered to further student’s financial understanding, the average student has no interest in attending one of these classes. By not having mandatory classes with a focus on financial literacy, the school system is promoting this financially illiterate society and they are not preparing students for an independent life. Financial literacy classes should be more prevalent in public school systems across America. …show more content…

Parents don’t talk with there children about what they have learned financially in their life, they don’t even teach them the basics like how to balance a checkbook. With the lack of education from the school and parents most high school graduates are not ready to enter the real world. However it is not entirely the fault of the parents. Many parents are financially illiterate themselves because no one taught them about finances. Thus repeating an endless cycle of ignorance. Education is needed for not only students but also for the general

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