Once high school ends, most students progress to college after a year or two from graduation. Due to all of the expenses for textbooks and etc., the student might realize that they don’t comprehend what to conserve or spend their money on to get through their years of college which will leave them clueless on what to do next. With situations like this that might occur, all high school students should take a financial literacy class as part of the mandatory course in order to get a diploma. With a numerous amount of students not having enough knowledge about how to manage their money carefully, presumably they’ll have trouble living their life as an adult. Taking a financial literacy class would help students stay out of debt, they’ll be prepared for their future, and they would recognize the discrepancies between wants and needs. Taking a financial literacy class would help students learn how to stay out of debt. According to the article, “Finance Course Prompts Debate” by Gina Davis, the class would “cover concepts such as money management, consumer rights, and responsibilities, …show more content…
According to the article, “Working Financial Literacy in With the Three R’s” by Tara Siegel Bernard, an economics and history teacher, Mathew Frost, has his students experience real life situations that they will eventually face. From one of his students’ experiences, he explains that he “learned that good budgeting has to be maintained throughout a person’s life, no matter the income, no matter the living conditions.” With learning about what it could be like in the future, it sticks with them until adulthood where they know what to expect already. These small effects can transform into something bigger where they’re prepared to become an important part of our society and help put our country into better shape. Therefore, the financial literacy class would help prepare the students for the
Most kids that have graduated high school have never been educated on the subject of personal finance, so they don’t know things like how to pay bills, or even how to do something as simple as applying for a job. According to a family friend of mine, Ron Hart; who happens to also be an award-wining author and TV/radio commentator, believes that students in high school don’t learn anything about how to get a job or get prepared financially. He states that, “ Students should prepare for a job. Maybe, instead of taking a fifth field trip to the Trail of Tears site, do one to learn about real jobs in an area they might want.” Hart believes that most basic high schools aren’t teaching students how to become financially stable for their future, which can cause major issues. He claims that “few schools teach about the value of hard work, ingenuity, gumption and entrepreneurship. Those lessons are as rare as Donald Trump bumper stickers in the faculty parking lot.” Hart also goes on to talk about how high school does not prepare you for life the same way college will. There are so many more lessons to learn there that people are missing out on. College is very important due to the fact that it will teach students more skills about finance and job seeking that most high schools don’t. In college, kids will learn how to save and budget their money, pay for their own expenses, and prioritize their needs verses their wants. Learning financial responsibility is also something that kids will carry with them throughout their jobs and their life. Having more freedom to understand the concepts of person finance will allow students to make mature decisions while easing their way into real world
Once a person graduates from high school they are left with a difficult decision, wither to go to college or not. Some families this is not an option, their kid will go no matter what, but many students do not want to go to school and have so much student debt by the time they finish that they will have to pay off that they decide that college is not worth it. According to Craig Smith in his article in Education Digest he says, “too many families cannot afford to send their children to college so the student is left with making the decision on wither to go to college and collect debt or just skip college altogether” (Smith 42). He has a good point. Too many students feel like they have to pay so much yet they are not really getting much out of it. Smith later on in his article states, “We must stop balancing our state and institutional budgets on the backs of students and families” (Smith 46). School should not be all about money, it should be about helping the students get the education that they need so they can make it out in the big world. If a student is so worried about how they are going to pay their school bill they are not going to be focusing on their class work and it ...
As students near the end of the academic year, they are constantly faced with some of the same choices the generations before them have been presented with too. The biggest question a lot of seniors in high school have to answer is if they are going to be attending college or not. There are a lot of legitimate reasons as to why a person might not attend a college, but I personally feel like everybody should have a higher education if they have the opportunity to do so. One of the biggest reasons that people do not have the opportunity to pursue higher levels of school is the fact that they do not have enough money to pay for it. With the staggering amount of debt, the majority of students incur in college, it is becoming a
It is a norm and expectation in society today for students to pursue higher education after graduating from high school. College tuition is on the rise, and a lot of students have difficulty paying for their tuitions. To pay for their tuitions, most students have to take out loans and at the end of four years, those students end up in debt. Student loan debts are at an all time high with so many people graduating from college, and having difficulties finding jobs in their career fields, so they have difficulties paying off their student loans and, they also don’t have a full understanding of the term of the loans and their options if they are unable to repay.
I think that making students go to personal finance classes during high school is a good thing. It educates younger people on how to manage their money and how to make purchases and that’s just a start. It will teach you how to build wealth and set a good foundation for the future.
One might say there is a strong argument for the requirement of financial literacy for students in America. Americans continue to have increased balances on their credit cards as well as show a continued increase in bankruptcy filings according to statistics. Even the “baby boomer” generation is no longer exempt from financial hardships, as their generation has recently taken the title of “Fastest Growing Bankruptcy Demographic” from the 25 – 34 year olds (Linfield, 2011). Would it not make sense to say that Americans need to learn how to budget and borrow more wisely? Would not the best place to start be in schools? Well, the answer to that question is not a simple one.
When a person decides to engage in a higher education, such as college, they can get a good job and that in it can make a credit score go up. Going to college, can provide the necessary job training, skill set, or characteristics a particular job may need. A person with experience or the skills will most likely be chosen for the job than a person who posses only one of those traits or neither. Securing ones future financially has become one of the main focuses of this world. Securing a person’s future not only affects their present but it allows room for mistakes in the future or for financial difficulties in the future. In the 1920’s when stock markets crashed and people who owed banks money could not pay them back, they lost jobs and even homes. If one advances his education they can get a job, become stable in that job, save, and therefore secure themselves for any downfalls or instability that may occur in the future. In this world today life is not easy. Everyone is either trying to become #1 or is already #1. Going to college will better a person’s probability of having financial future
6, September, 2001 Bernheim, B. Douglas, and Garrett, M. Daniel, and Maki M. Dean. “Education and Saving: The Long-Term Effects of High School Financial Curriculum Mandates.” June 1997 Carlin, Bruce Ian and Robinson, David T. “What Does Financial Literacy Training Teach Us?” National Bureau Of Economic Research Working Paper no. 16271, April 2010. Kline, Linda and Mandell, Lewis.
Numerous amounts of people have financial problems when they get out of high school, so what should the school board do? In 2007, thirty-four out of fifty states have personal finance courses in their curriculum (Bernard 4). A financial literacy course seems to be what a majority of states are doing. Financial literacy courses have their pros and their cons just like everything else. Financial literacy courses bring up some very important questions.
Financial literacy is defined as the ability to understand how money works in the world. Then after high school ends, it is generally believed that the real world begins. So it would stand to reason that financial literacy should be taught in high school. Money is one of the biggest factors in life, both socially and economically. Money equals life in society; it pays your basic necessities.
They say that nurturing Americans to be capable of handling their own financial needs is highly unlike in the complicated and fast-moving nature of economics. Lauren Willis cites examples of test scores, saying that “graduates of retirement-planning classes thought their literacy had increased, when their financial test scores had not.” (Burns). However, no studies have proved that taking finance courses can be detrimental to a person’s ability to make economic choices. Therefore, these classes should be incorporated into a student’s academic
...ial literacy, encouraging independent thinking, and reinforcing good habits. Building financial literacy in children while they are young gives them a chance to use and begin to understand money for a longer period of time. Therefore, giving them a better understanding of it when they are older and, in a way, giving them a head start for being financially responsible as adults. Encouraging independent thinking will give adolescents a chance to think for themselves even if it is small decisions at first. Because they will most likely value their money and not want to give it away for just anything, their peers will have less of an influence on their decisions. You, as a parent, can reinforce good habits like self-discipline, setting short and long term goals, and learning and practicing good work ethic. Nagging all the time has got to stop. Set up an allowance system.
Many students in grade school don’t obtain money very often because they do not have a steady income, so they are prone to spend the money they get. For example, if a student gets money for a holiday, the first thing that comes to mind is to spend it on something they want because they are not used to having money. They don’t know the next time they will get more money so they don’t see the importance of saving. Since there would be a constant income a student will see the effect of saving because their amount of money would constantly be increasing which will motivate them to keep saving. If students learn how to save while they are younger they will be more successful in life, and they will also have that money to use when they graduate.
People claim that adding one mandatory class won’t help, and that it doesn’t even touch upon what students need to live an adult life. If students are only required to take one of these classes, they won’t learn even near to enough. Financial literacy classes are refuted by many, even though the data highly supports these
The second lesson concentrates on the importance of financial literacy. There is one rule to follow so as to understand financial literacy – “Know the difference between an asset and a liability, and buy more assets.” In order to do this, you need to be able to understand and comprehend numbers instead of jus...