Final Exam Essay

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Art is an expression of one’s own emotions and feelings. You can show your imagination and creativity through art. Art is generally expressed in a visual form. Generally art is considered to be a sculpture, painting, drawing, dance, music, and literature. Art can also be a part of history in various forms. Art has changed through the years as well as differentiates between countries and regions. You can depict from art the culture and history. For example experts can tell what era a painting is from and the region it has come from. However, cuisine is not considered to be a branch of art to most people. Cuisine is a method of cooking. It can be done in various forms of style. Cuisine is also subjected to change throughout history as well as countries. This is a very broad term that is what comes to mind to most people when they hear the word cuisine. Culturally, cuisine plays a huge role. Every country and region has his or her style of cuisine. Furthermore, when people immigrate they bring their own cuisines over and cultivate a new culture and new dishes. Cuisine is important not only for the nutrition but for the culture that comes along with it. Nonetheless, cuisine generally is not considered to have correlation to art. With that being said, I believe cuisine and art are related. Cuisine is a form of expression. Coming up with dishes and preparing meals has to deal with a lot of creativity. You need imagination, innovation, and technique to create a new meal or to prepare an old one and add your own ideas to it. This is more challenging than being said. Professional chefs go through extensive amount of training to prepare a meal a certain way. They have to learn the basics such as cracking an egg properly before preparing ... ... middle of paper ... ...en and not to be truly admired. Over time I believe it has changed and people grew more appreciative for what was prepared for them. Overall, art is a form of expression. It takes imagination and creativity. Art also needs skill, interpretation, the ability to innovate, patience, and technique. Without those factors it is difficult to be considered an artist or produce a material of art. Art is very visual but has broadened its sense to smell, taste, and sound. Cuisine has all the traits that fall into the category of art. In France, specifically, cuisine has been appreciated as an art for hundreds of years. It is becoming more apparent globally that it is an art. There is a growing notion of the visual appeal and appreciation for the meal. Therefore, art is continuing to grow into new forms and there are endless ways to express one’s own emotions and creativity.

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