Fighting for a Dream

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Sometimes we are put in a position where dreams seem impossible, whether it’s growing up in a broken home, or struggling with endless temptations. Opportunities vary depending on the situation. Wealthier children can often find more reinforcement in their daily lives, as well having the comfort of a stable home; often they know limitless doors that can open without effort. Teens that grow up poor don’t have the emotional support, making the situation harder for them to learn what life can lead to. So how can you stay on the path of your dreams when you have been misled countless times? Most of the time, teens pursuing to accomplish a dream fail without the support of family or friends by their side. This gives a person low self-esteem and underlines their confidence making them feel as if it’s impossible. “I realized to remain focused on my goal I couldn’t focus on so much as family, especially when the energy I expended worrying didn’t change a thing” (Samuel Davis 223). The adolescent teens not only lack support, they lack a strong example as well. “In the beginning I felt I was a good kid caught in a bad situation and truly had to work diligently to overcome obstacles” (Samuel Davis 224). This shows when a person feels trapped in a situation they might give it up because they don’t see what the future could hold with effort and patience. Each year 1.3 million teens run away. They feel distant and dispensable in the world. What they don’t realize is they can conclude something with the proper work ethic and a yearning for success. When people have nowhere to turn and no one to look up to they sometimes seek the tranquility of drugs and violence, which reduces their chance of ever accomplishing their dream. They feel that st... ... middle of paper ... ...rogress toward the main dream, like checkpoints. Avoiding peer pressure is vital to surviving a crimeless life. Most teens, after being lured into to peer pressure, regret it after suffering the consequences. “The suggestion took hold quickly once my friends added their individual touches” (Samuel Davis 92). This cannot only decimate your dream, but completely barricade it from ever happening. Sometimes a ray of hope or a sudden sight of a goal can spark a hunger for success. Dreams can easily vanish at the occurrence of violence, temptation, and discouragement. The importance of goals in this subject is impeccable. All the factors that make up this ambition can either affect the outcome or substantially benefit it. Who will accomplish the dream is answered by who is determined and focused, and who can visualize a successful future by staying on the right path.

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