Fiction And Suspense Analysis

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Surprise in fiction creates interesting tension for the reader. To keep the reader's’ attention through the long midsection of your book, you’ll need to continually develop the conflict and advance the plot in logical steps without making the story predictable. Suspense arises naturally from good writing, it’s not a spice to be added separately. Another means for creating suspense is to use the objective viewpoint in which the story is told, not through the mind and feelings of a major character, but only by what he says and does. That character may have some secret that affects the outcome of the story, but since the author never tells us what the character thinks or remembers, but only what he says and does in the present, the viewpoint adds to the suspense. What keeps readers turning pages is suspense, which you can create using a variety of techniques, including point of view, resolution and the genres.
Many authors create the point of view to surprise and terrify readers in a certain way that will also make them continue reading. Point of view influences how readers understand literature. In this lesson you'll learn how writers use point of view to create feelings as different as suspense and humor. Point of view is just the angle from which things are seen. We all have a point of …show more content…

Authors have used view of point, resolution, and different genres to surprise and terrify readers. Once a reader reads a horror book, they are left out with many ideas but with these techniques they're able to determine what the book it's about or it's going to be about. These techniques have gave us a better understanding of terrifying books. After all, reading suspenseful book are interesting but can also lead to consequences based how it is explained. Readers make a great job to describe characters and create a tension between horror

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