Feruginous Hawk Observation

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Abstract – This study is to test the theory that the foraging behaviors of raptors is influenced by the vigilance, ability to escape and lowered defensive capabilities of a poisoned prey over that of a healthy, non-poisoned prey that may need a greater effort to hunt and acquire. The method for this was to observe the hunting behavior of Ferruginous Hawks hunting preferences on 3 Black-tailed prairie dog colonies. Two of the colonies were poisoned using Rozol®. These two poisoned colonies are equitable when combined to the size and population of the third un-poisoned colony. Also during the study carcasses were introduced into the study areas to observe hawk predation preferences in the colonies. Prairie dog movement between the colonies was restricted due to natural and man-made …show more content…

The three colonies are independent of each other but in the same foraging range of the hawks. Ferruginous Hawk foraging behavior and Prairie dog activity was monitored using binoculars, video cameras, 2 tower blinds and a stationary vehicle. All three prairie dog colonies were monitored simultaneously. The number of prairie dogs above ground were counted hourly to determine the availability of prey. Hawks were monitored for their presence at a colony along with the time spent at

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