Feminism In Wonder Woman

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While browsing Amazon.com, I noticed in the newly released movies section an advertisement for the film Wonder Woman, which came out earlier in the year. The image used for the film features actress Gal Gadot in the title role, wearing the character’s iconic costume and looking ready to go into a battle. Next to the Wonder Woman advertisement, other films such as Guardians of the Galaxy 2, The Mummy, and Spiderman: Homecoming were also being put on display, all of which featured heroic-looking males at the forefront of their imaging. Seeing a powerful woman being the sole character on a film poster made me think about way Wonder Woman connects to the feminist readings and lessons from class. One of the concepts discussed in article by Pamela Aronson is that feminism can be an identity. The character of Wonder Woman has always been held up as a feminist icon for her strength, courage, and virtue. At the same time though, she was created by a man, William Marston, and continually depicted in revealing amounts of clothing. The Wonder Woman depicted in the …show more content…

Alison Crossley discusses how for millennial feminists, “a central feature of many of these participants’ feminism was action or activism” (2017: 2). In the advertisement, Wonder Woman is in the middle of action, deflecting a bullet off of her armored bracelet. The character is the embodiment of the millennial feminist: pushing forward through adversity to make the world a better place. Crossley addresses the stereotype, “that millennials are selfie-obsessed narcissists clueless about the inequalities all around them” (2017: 1), and instead discusses how millennial feminists are passionate, vocal, and fighting injustice. Wonder Woman, in the film, is seeking to end World War I due to the injustices she sees being committed. She does not sit back and ignore the problems around her; she recognizes the world she is in and works to achieve her

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