Feminism In Oedipus The King

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How has feminism impacted to a patriarchal society? Women's rights issues have always remained a concern. In Ancient Greece, women were not allowed to be intelligent but they were allowed to be weak, so they did not have any power in politics, economics or culture. However, the status of Greek women has advanced greatly during the 20th century. Women can inherit property equal to that of men. Greek society has always remained to this day a patriarchal form the Ancient Greek patriarchs, but feminism has a great impact on the gender role in a patriarchal society, therefore women's rights have progressed very much. In these respects, the Ancient Greek drama has reflected patriarchal society. In this essay, I will analyze a play "Oedipus the King" in relationship to its place in Greek history.
"Oedipus the King" which is an Athenian tragedy written around 420 BC, has long been regarded the most powerful expression of Greek tragic drama by Sophocles who was the great ancient Greek writer. Oedipus is the protagonist of the play, the King of Thebes, married Iocaste. In the beginning o...

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