Pelvic Inflammatory Disease in the Female Reproductive System
Unlike most organ systems in the human body, the reproductive system seems to snooze until the individual hits puberty (Marieb & Hoehn, 2013) – when the system reveals its true purpose: sexual reproduction. In the female reproductive system, the primary sex organs, also known as gonads, are the ovaries. The ovaries produces gametes: ova, which are homologous to the sperm produced by the male’s reproductive system. The female internal sex organs include the ovaries and the duct system. The duct system’s accessory ducts are the uterine tubes, the uterus, and the vagina – these are connected from the ovaries to the external genitalia. Ovaries also produce steroid sex hormones: estrogens and progesterone. These hormones have roles in the development and function of the reproductive organs, sexual behavior and drives, and the growth and development of many other organs and tissues. Specifically,
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estrogen promotes oogenesis and follicle growth in the ovaries, while progesterone works with estrogen to establish and regulate the uterine cycle. The process of ovum production is called oogenesis, where oogonia, the diploid stem cells of the ovaries, transforms into oocytes which undergo series of developments. Furthermore, hormonal regulation of the ovarian and uterine cycles are crucial for the production of the cyclic events in the ovaries and release of the gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) from the hypothalamus for the onset of puberty. If a woman wants to be a mother and have a healthy pregnancy, a disease-free reproductive system is needed. A disease that can occur in the female reproductive system is the Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID). According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine (2014), PID is an infection caused by a bacteria, which targets a female’s reproductive system including the uterus, ovaries, or fallopian tubes. This bacteria is mostly produced by sexually transmitted infections (STI) such as chlamydia and gonorrhea. As described by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2015), “sexually transmitted disease pathogens Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Chlamydia trachomatis have frequently been identified among women with PID infection,” pathogens from gonorrhea and chlamydia, respectively. The bacteria that causes PID may also come from medical procedures: childbirth, endometrial biopsy, a miscarriage, an abortion, or receiving an intrauterine device. A female individual is most likely affected if her male sex partner has chlamydia or gonorrhea and/or if she has had an STI previously, “In the U.S., nearly 1 million women have PID each year. About 1 in 8 sexually active girls will have PID before age 20” (“Pelvic Inflammatory Disease,” 2014). According to the Office of Population Affairs (2012), a woman can have PID with nonexistent or mild symptoms. Symptoms that are beyond mild include: pain in the lower abdomen and with urination, nausea and vomiting, fever and chills, bleeding in between menstrual periods, vaginal discharge with unusual odor, and painful sexual intercourse (“Pelvic Inflammatory Disease: The Facts,” 2012). Untreated PID can have complications, mainly: scar tissue block in the fallopian tubes, which causes a woman to become infertile or have an “ectopic or tubal pregnancy.” Ectopic pregnancy is where scar tissue block in the fallopian tubes prevents a fertilized egg to go through the tube into the uterus, causing a tube to rupture, then to severe pain and hemorrhage (OPA, 2012). In the normal female reproductive system, pregnancy can occur when the secondary oocyte released from the ovaries, into the fallopian tubes to the peritoneal cavity, is fertilized by a sperm. This oocyte is released during the ovulation, which occurs in the middle of the ovarian cycle. During this cycle, there are hormonal interactions that help regulate the function of the ovaries: In the beginning, the hypothalamus releases GnRH to stimulate the adenohypophysis to secrete the follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH). FSH and LH then stimulates follicles to mature and release estrogen and androgen- most of which are converted to estrogen. The increase of estrogen levels in the plasma then inhibit the release of FSH and LH. In this event, only the dominant follicle survives and the rest of the developing follicles do not. The dominant follicle produces high estrogen level – the estrogen will reach a critical blood concentration, stimulating gonadotropin release. This release creates an LH surge, triggering ovulation – where the secondary oocyte, formed from the first meiotic division completion of the primary oocyte of the dominant follicle, exits from the ovary and pass through the fallopian tubes to the peritoneal cavity. After ovulation, there is a decrease in estrogen levels, and LH transforms the ruptured follicle that expelled the secondary oocyte into a corpus luteum. LH stimulates the corpus luteum to produce progesterone and some estrogen. The increase of these sex hormones in the blood inhibits the release of LH and FSH, as well as GnRH. The decreased levels of gonadotropin inhibit new follicles to mature and prevent more oocytes to be ovulated. When there is no fertilization occurring, the corpus luteum deteriorates. The deterioration will drop the levels of ovarian hormones and sex hormone levels in the blood. This marks the end of the cycle, ending the inhibition of FSH and LH secretion, and the cycle begins again. (p. 972-973) In the ovarian cycle, an ovulated oocyte can be blocked by scar tissue caused by PID from passing through the fallopian tube to the peritoneal cavity, leading to infertility.
Because there is no fertilization, the corpus luteum will then be stimulated to degenerate, as will its hormonal output. In the case of an ectopic pregnancy, where the oocyte is fertilized but is blocked by the scar tissue, the corpus luteum will normally response by persisting “until the placenta is ready to take over its hormone-producing duties in about three months” (p.971). In this ectopic pregnancy, however, the placenta will be inhibited because the embryo will grow in the fallopian tubes until the tubes cannot stretch, unlike the uterus, and eventually ruptures. The ruptured fallopian tube can cause internal bleeding and is life-threatening to the woman. In an article by Tay, Moore, and Walker (2000), “ectopic pregnancy causes major maternal morbidity and mortality with pregnancy loss, and its incidence is increasing
worldwide.” To prevent scar tissue complications, PID must be treated. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2015), there are various types of antibiotics that can cure the infection. The reversal of scar tissue, unfortunately, cannot be treated by antibiotics. This is the reason why women should seek treatment right away when she notices symptoms of the disease. “PID is usually treated with antibiotics to provide empiric, broad spectrum coverage of likely pathogens” (“Pelvic Inflammatory Disease Treatment and Care,” 2015). The treatment is to prevent irreversible damage to the reproductive organs, such as scar tissue in the fallopian tubes. The CDC also states that treatment should be extended to the sex partner(s) to minimize the chances of re-infection, whether or not the partner(s) has the symptoms. In the case where symptoms persists, the woman may need to undergo surgery.
It is usually required to normalise or restore changes caused by oestrogen. It affects all aspects of pregnancy, prepares breasts for lactation and the relaxation of joints and ligaments in preparation of childbirth. It can affect bowel movements usually causing constipation and back pain and raises the body temperature. Oestrogens are a group of steroid compounds that function as the primary female sex hormone. Developing follicles in the ovaries, the corpus luteum and the placenta primarily produces them and some secondary sources in smaller amounts can be found in the liver, adrenal glands and breasts.
The history in a family can influence many generations. Certain families have stereotypes about them based on family history. This is a real world situation; the movie The Pregnancy Project, stereotypes about teen pregnancy where shown, and how they affect people. In the Pregnancy Project, the use of Gabi’s background influenced people’s reactions because her family has a history of teen pregnancy.
The article, “The Egg and the Sperm: How Science Has Constructed a Romance Based on stereotypical Male - Female Roles,” is written by Emily Martin, an anthropology professor at New York University. The author explores how scientists have imposed gender-biased stereotypes through the use of scientific language and terminology. Martin suggests that biological scientists have influenced the way our culture views gender and the stereotypes imposed by society based on male and female roles.
The term reproductive coercion (RC) describes behaviors that assert control over an intimate partner’s reproductive autonomy (policy). This can include tampering with contraceptives to cause pregnancy (e.g, poking holes in condoms, destroying hormonal contraceptives, dislodging IUDs), or using physical or psychological means to coerce a female partner into becoming pregnant or terminating a pregnancy (policy). Although there are many studies classifying RC as intimate partner violence (milller et al), it is not recognized under the domestic violence laws in the United States (georgetown). Because RC is rarely brought into court, the perpetrators of the coercion avoid any legal repercussions, their partners continue to be victimized (citation
In a society where equality is constantly fought over, there are bound to be disputes. Feminism, the movement to create empowerment and equal rights for women, has been criticized by those who argue who, what, and how feminism should be fought with. Many conservative feminists believe that succumbing to men’s pleasure is never the answer, whereas “lipstick” feminists believe that they should be able to use all of their essence in order to establish equality. However, society needs both women and men equally. Feminism shouldn’t focus on how women reach that equality, but rather to reach that point of equality in the first place; with anything they got.
grow. If the egg is not fertilized, the endometrium breaks down and is flushed from your body as blood ...
As a young adult, it may seem foolish to predict what your future family life will look like, especially in regards to children. Often times this reality is forced upon a select few, particularly homosexual couples; however, with the innovation of in vitro fertilization (IVF), a couple is met with promise and the hope of a successful family life. IVF can be described as a process by which a fetus is genetically formed in a laboratory setting. Though this process may seem unnatural in essence, it allows for a more diverse family arrangement through medical innovation. This procedure, though controversial, is seen by many as an advancement in the medical field and can be accredited to procuring a healthy child for an unfortunate family, whether
To start this off, conception is the action of conceiving a child, and pregnancy is the period from conception to birth. They both share the same meaning: the process of getting pregnant. Conception happens when a sperm penetrates on one of the female’s eggs. Then, at around day 14 of a 28 day cycle, the egg leaves the ovary, and it is surrounded by a protective layer of cells. The fallopian tube is lined with cilia, which helps move the egg towards the womb. This is called ovulation. In the next 12-24 hours, the egg waits to be fertilized by a single sperm. The sperm then swims through the womb to meet the egg in the fallopian tube. And the sperm secretes enzymes to help penetrate the outer layer of the egg. Once the
The male reproductive system is a set of organs that works together to produce sperm which will later in life fertilize females eggs. The testes are the most important part of the system because it produces sperm cells. It is similar and looks similar to ovaries of a female’s reproductive system because it also holds what they need to reproduce. Its job is to produce the sperm cells needed to reproduce. Due to hormonal imbalances the production of sperm cells may not even be possible in some males. Testosterone is the male the hormone that gives men there manly characteristics. It is made up of hydrogen, carbon, and oxygen with a white color. In the male body it helps develop sex organs, a deeper voice, and facial hair (Khalid, 2013). Cancer or a genetic disorder in males is the most common thing that cause the reductions of testosterone production in the body. Behind the testes is the epididymis which lets sperm go through the vas deferens from the testes (Dictionary, 2014). It looks like leach the way it is position right on the testes but it is thinner. When sperm is produces the ...
The human male reproductive system organs are located outside of the body around the pelvic region of a male (wikipedia, 2010). The testes produce sperm that would fertilize the female’s egg. Males have several secondary genitalia’s the penis, sperm ducts, epididymis, vas deferens and the urethra. The urethra is used for two purposes to urine and to ejaculate semen. Males also have accessory glands such as the prostate gland, seminal vesicles, and bulbourethral glands. The prostate gland contributes fluid for ejaculation. Prostate fluids helps to nourish the sperm (Web Md, 2009). The seminal vesicle makes up most of the volume of a man's ejaculatory fluid and provide the sperm with nutrients that give the sperm energy(Web Md, 2009). Bulbourethral glands produce a clear, slippery fluid that empties directly into the urethra. This fluid serves to lubricate the urethra ...
...culatory system. Pituitary gland is a growth hormone that helps in mertabolism and develops reproductive organs. The thyroid controls metabolsim on the rate that the body breaks down food. Adrenal gland secretes many hormones including adrenaline which prepares the body to react in a stressful situation. The pancreas produces digestive enzymes and insulin. Ovaries produce ova and estrogen. Testes produce sperm cells and testosterone. To stay healthy you should get a regular medical check-up, eat a well-balanced diet, sleep at least 8 hours, and decrease stress in your life. Some problems are growth disorders, diabetes, and obesity. Puberty begins at different times for girls then boys. Girls start around ages 9-13 and boys are ages 10-15.
The relationship between sex and gender can be argued in many different lights. All of which complicated lights. Each individual beholds a sexual identity and a gender identity, with the argument of perceiving these identities however way they wish to perceive them. However, the impact of gender on our identities and on our bodies and how they play out is often taken for granted in various ways. Gender issues continue to be a hugely important topic within contemporary modern society. I intend to help the reader understand that femininities and masculinities is a social constructed concept and whether the binary categories of “male” and “female” are adequate concepts for understanding and organising contemporary social life with discussing the experiences of individuals and groups who have resisted these labels and forged new identities.
The prevalence of sexology literature and scholarship was and remains to be a topic of discourse when questions to the origins of a ‘homosexual’ identity arise. In today’s society, one usually points to the New York City Stonewall Riots in 1969 as the beginning for the recognition of homosexual love and identity. Indeed, this event remains to be an important marker in queer* history, but there are many scholars in various interdisciplinary fields who would instead argue that emergence of homosexuality as an identity stemmed from medical and psychiatric research carried out by German psychiatrists and doctors.
Menstruation, also known as a menstrual period, is the monthly shedding of the lining of the uterus. The uterus is the organ in the lower abdomen where a baby grows during pregnancy. Menstruation involves the passing of blood, tissue, fluid, and mucus. The flow of blood usually occurs during 3–7 consecutive days each month.