Father Palmer Letter To Father

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As I have been informed with your decision to re-assign Father Palmer, I would like to give my opinion on the situation. As I know everybody is entitled to there own opinion, I believe you should reconsider your decision. As Father Palmer volunteered to join his community, he offered to be a symbol of peace and God to his people surviving this terrible war. Nobody except for those soldiers will ever understand what living in the trenches were like. You nor I will ever understand how traumatizing everyday was. As you have punished Father Palmer for his actions on Christmas Eve, let us remember the true meaning of Christmas. We celebrate Christmas to remember the birth of Jesus, the Prince of Peace. Father Palmer wanted to share the gift of mass with the men around him in peace. Like the prophecy …show more content…

Share his knowledge and give hope to the men out there in no man's land. In this letter, all I ask is for you to forgive and reconsider your decision. For Father Palmer to go to war just to support his community was a huge decision. I believe that Father Palmers first priority was to be a priest, a piece of jesus out there in the trenches. For him to be punished for spreading the love of god is very unfair. As the prophecy. As the prophecy Ezekiel 34: 11-16 states, “As a shepherd seeks out his flock when he is among his sheep that have been scattered, so will I seek out my sheep, and I will rescue them from all places where they have been scattered on ya day of clouds and thick darkness”. This prophecy from the bible does not identify sheep as a size, shape and race. It says that he seeked sheep from all places that have been scattered. Which was exactly Father Palmer's goal. With the help of father Palmer these men felt the grace of God once again. In Gods revelation he created humanity to be one. To respect and love one another as much as we can. When Father Palmer saw those men, he didnt see them as dirty

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