Fate in William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet

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Fate in William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet

'Romeo and Juliet' takes place in Verona, Northern Italy. The city is

divided by civil war between two noble families, the Capulets and the

Montagues. The feud is an old one, from 'ancient grudge to new

mutiny'. The cause of this 'ancient grudge' is not known; there seems

no solution and just pure hate. Then out of this hate comes a 'pair of

star-crossed lovers' to 'take their lives.'

This tragedy of Romeo and Juliet seems unstoppable right from the

start. Throughout the play the audience watches that 'fearful passage

of their death-mark'd love'. But who was responsible for the tragedy

of the two lovers? Or was it just inevitable fate?

From the very beginning of the play the pure hatred between the two

families and all those involved is visible. Fighting between the two

groups is a common thing, even the prince of Verona himself is unable

to find anyway of stopping the hatred in his city. Then out of this

hatred Romeo and Juliet meet and fall in love. The twists and turns of

their objectionable affair throughout the play lead up to killing. But

who is responsible for the horrific death of the 'star crossed

lovers'? Different characters all play a part in the death. This essay

will analyse the key areas of the play and the effect they have on the

final outcome of the play.

Romeo and Juliet meet at Capulet's party, Romeo bowled over by the

beauty of Juliet approaches her to dance. They talk romantically to

each other almost as if they truly were in 'love at first sight.'

After departing they both realise their 'true loves' identity.

"My only love sprung from my only hate"


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have been well. Despite this Romeo did not receive the letter and went

to the tomb to see his wife. Romeo kills Paris and advances to see

Juliet. She is not yet awake and he kills himself before she awakens.

Juliet awakes and when she sees her husband dead beside her she grasps

the dagger and ends her life too.

There are endless characters and events that led to the deaths of

Romeo and Juliet, despite all this, it is predicted from the very

start of the play that Romeo and Juliet are 'ill-fated' 'star-crossed


Despite the different reasons I think that fate played a huge part in

the deaths. Since the meeting of Romeo and Juliet it was obvious that

they would not live a normal life. Complication after complication

leads to the final climax where they, as predicted, take their lives…

inevitable fate.

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