Fashion Application Research Paper

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Ever since I was a child I dreamed of becoming a fashion designer. As far back as I can remember, whenever I had a paper and pencil, I would draw amateur fashion sketches. Over the year I got better at this and it was something that I enjoyed so it seemed obvious that fashion design was the career I should pursue. For birthday presents I would ask for sewing and art supplies so I could get perfect my skills in these turfs. At that stage of my life it seemed simple, all I had to do was work at it until I was good enough to get into fashion school. Once I had adequately honed my abilities I would get a degree in fashion design. While I was doing that I would procure a fashion internship to make it into the fashion community and last but not least, …show more content…

The backup plan was to spend the summer working even harder, perfecting a new portfolio in time for the spring semester. Something that was a personal trial for me was letting go of this security blanket life I had envisioned for myself. I had always found science intriguing but I only ever saw it as some far out of reach career, exclusively for child prodigies, and geniuses who had never failed at anything. From such a young age fashion design was the only future I saw for myself and to give it up for a dream that is so much harder to reach, yet regardless I want infinitely more, was very challenging. Nevertheless I trust it was one of the best decisions I ever made as no matter the stress and work it takes to reach this goal I can say without any reservations this is something I will never give up. My passion to learn and become a player in this field is immeasurable. This is my one chance of living, of being alive and I intend to spend whatever time I have here, for however long, pursuing this. I aim to discover everything I can about the universe, and the world that I reside in however terrifying, awe-inspiring, or complex it may

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