Fan Collection Case Study

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There are many claims that can be made regarding social media. However, one in particularly controversial claim that has been made within the last decade is the interactivity of fans of anyy particular subject matter and the ability and capacity to which the extent of fans as also playing the role of consumers as potentially subject being exploited by larger entities and gatekeepers in marketed industries for a measurable and influential for profits. By taking a closer look at examining the position of both sides of this issue that affect the original curator and the fan based labors we will have a better understanding of the entire capacity in which this system of fan and producer thrive or fail under this exchange of content. Is there a right …show more content…

On the side of those who have taken initiative to placing copyrights on initial content have been challenged by the online community's ability to interpret this alleged original copyrighted content and place their own spin on it, while in some cases the lines are blurred between those who reap benefits and of what kind, monetary creative or entertainment values of various forms. While in turn the fanbase that is thriving in the arena of online adaption of original copyrighted ideas are afraid of the power that copyrighted gatekeepers hold over them with access to attorneys and judicial process through the courts. Fan driven talent for carrying forward artistic spin offs from original content is at risk of being stuck with huge fines for producing a likeness of the original content and distributing it among fan communities …show more content…

The concept of what is considered free produced fan content and who owns it and what are the benefits and benefactors of the content being produced? Examples of this would be when fans of copyrighted material interpret it by making revisions and remixing the content and coming up with something new based off an original. This should not be considered stealing because both the originator and the fan are in mutual gain on either end of the spectrum. There is no specific law to date that details what is considered fair use of content and is punishable so fans may be allowed to interpret and produce content freely. In addition to the factor of potential exploitation of fans through fan created content. If fans create works that are considered original and crowds of people are counted and like it shouldn't the fans have any share in the monetary profits from copyrighted original content? Fans appear to be spending countless hours of labor online creating content and shouldn't they get something for

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