Fallacies And Deception Essay

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Deception is a common tactic used to brainwash people and has been used for ages, making analysis of claims and fallacies a vital skill people need to have; both past and modern political theory have used a wag the dog tactic to divert attention away from the important parts of a given topic, working to the politicians’ benefit. When closely considering the claims and fallacies in non-fiction, a reader is able to strip away all decoration and analyze the true content of the text. Many times the authors will make false claims, whether it be a claim of policy or claim of value. What they do not expect is that the reader will pick apart every argument, revealing the true message. If an author is writing to a specific audience, he/she will embellish the text accordingly. When a third party swoops in and exposes the author, the non-fiction text is put into proper light.
Being able to thoroughly analyze the content of any media empowers the public, giving them their own opinion. Modern media has a sly way of brainwashing its audience, whether it’s convincing you that the war on terror is a defense for the United States, or that being a socialist means wanting the destruction of the current government. Interestingly enough, this brainwashing mechanism has been used for ages, increasing in complexity and deception by the minute. The ignorance of the …show more content…

The Manifesto is a political pamphlet explaining communism in great detail, providing historical background and a series of solutions to converting a government to communism. The document is divided into a preface and four parts, Bourgeois and Proletarian, Proletarians and Communists, Socialist and Communist Literature, and Position Of The Communists In Relation To The Various Existing Opposition Parties. Besides providing a solution to communism, the Manifesto gives historical evidence of hinting communism in other

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