Facebook Case Study

1560 Words4 Pages

1 Introduction

It is clear that technology becomes an important part of daily life. Especially, the Internet, which is compatible with the style and pace of modern life. More particularly, the Internet development has established new communities in the world, which are social networks. It is websites or applications, which allow people to connect with each other, sharing photos, videos and messages. For example, Facebook, twitter are channels of keeping in touch with friends around the world as well as making new connections with other people based on similar interests.

Figure1 : Logos of Social networking sites

This report will focus on Facebook background and then will analyse the characteristics of CEO who leads Facebook to the success and become the most famous young billionaire in the world.

2 what is Facebook?

Figure2 : Facebook page
According to Ramana (2012) Facebook is a new way for communication, connecting with friends, family and organisations all over the world, users can create personal profiles, upload photos, share videos, send message (chat features), share status on profile page with other users (Ramana, 2012). Facebook was launched in 2004, and then it reached more than 750 million active users in 2011, and half of them logged on daily. Users spend more than 700 billion minutes per month on the site (Boy and Ellison, 2007). Moreover, Facebook is rapidly becoming one of the most popular tools for social communication. However, Facebook is different from other Social Networking Sites since it demonstrates an offline-to-online trend; the majority of Facebook friends are met offline and then added later (Ross, C., Orr, E. S., Sisic, M., Arseneault, J. M., Simmering, M. G., & Orr, R. R. 2009). Surely, Many...

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... on the other hand, they also use Facebook as a place to release the grief.
As we know that Facebook is the successful invention and company. However, it would not deserve this position without a good entrepreneur as Mark Zuckerberg, he could lead the firm to the achievement because he has a great entrepreneurial characteristic which are tolerance of Ambiguity, innovative thinking, self-efficacy, visionary entrepreneur and risk taker. He planned it and worked it out. He stuck to his passion and focused on fulfilling the Facebook mission which is to give people the power to share and make the world more open and connected (Bulygo, 2013) that was why he became the young billionaire in the world. His success has nothing to do with luck. Recently, there are many billions of users have Facebook’s accounts. Finally He will be memorized in the world’s history forever.

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