Social Medi Cyberbullying And Its Effects On Society

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Ever since the first social media site, Six Degrees, was created in 1997, problems have arose around the online interactions between people. In the present day with Facebook and Twitter, social networking has hurt our communities and us as individuals with lack of face to face communication, inappropriate content and cyberbullying. Delving into these concerns, there are facts that need to be known.
Ever since the creation of social media, face to face communication has been at an alltime low. Many people chose to talk over social media such as Facebook and Twitter because many things are easier to type than they are to verbally say. This is a way to escape confrontation and gives the illusion of security. People are able to say whatever they want, be whoever you want without thinking there are consequences. It has become rare for people to catch up over a cup of coffee or lunch because social …show more content…

CyberBullying is known as the use of Internet and/or mobile technology to harass, intimidate, or cause harm to another, according to Due to people having the ability to recreate themselves on Social media to be whomever they want, it 's extremely easy to say things that one would never think to say in person. The internet give everyone the power to say what they want with little to know effect on their real life. However, little do these people know, it affects other greatly. 49.5% of students reported being the victims of bullying online and Middle school children who were victims of cyberbullying were almost twice as likely to attempt suicide. This here is a prime example to why social media is an extremely bad community. Statistics given by the Cyber Bullying Hotline state that 20% of kids cyberbullied think about suicide, and in 10 attempt it and 4500 kids commit suicide each year. This makes suicide the number three killer of teens in the united

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