Face To Face Interview Essay

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The research goal is to find out the perception of beauty among young girls and women between the ages of 13 and 29 in today’s society. The research will includes young girls and women insights of beauty as well as to identify the factors that may influence their perceptions.

Beauty is defined as a combination of qualities such as shape, colour or form that pleases the aesthetic senses especially the sight (Oxford Dictionaries, 2013). In today’s society, women and girls are always striving to become more beautiful and tend to use a variety of ways to achieve this. The concept of beauty is subjective to everyone as different people have different opinions, preferences and physical standard of beauty. Bjerke & Polegato (2006) stated that the …show more content…

Interview is a conversation between two people with the objective of gathering relevant information for the purpose of research (Das, 2009). Face-to-face interview is chosen in this research because it can explore the responses of young women’s perception on beauty in today’s society more in-depth. It enables participants to open up and talk about issues that they may not want to talk in a group environment (Gill, Stewart, Treasure and Chadwick, 2008). Furthermore, it also allows participants to explore their thoughts and articulate their ideas as well as express their belief and views. According to Kvale (1996), the main purpose of interview is to understand the meaning of what the interviewees say. Interviews are believed to provide a deeper understanding of social phenomena compared to quantitative methods such as questionnaires (Silverman, 2000). The main advantages of face-to-face interviews are it allows more detailed questions to be asked and most importantly interviewees are not influenced by others. For instance, the interviewees are not able to ask someone else or surf the internet during the interview session. In addition to that, any ambiguities on the questions being asked can be clarified on the spot by the interviewer. McNamara (1999) stated that interviews are useful for getting the story behind a participant’s experiences whereby the interviewer can pursue an in-depth information about a particular

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