Extracurricular Activities Should Be Mandatory Essay

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Collin Powell once stated that, "The commander in the field is always right, unless proved otherwise." in this situation I don't stand with our commander of this school on that extracurricular activity should be mandatory. As a student of Elizabeth Davis Middle School, making extracurricular activities mandatory for students to do isn't probable because of some of the challenges the students may face by participating, such as students with responsibilities at home, a student may be uncooperative, and there grades. Students who attend school are there to choose there own path and make decisions on how they see themselves in the distant future, they shouldn't have to choose an extracurricular activity if he or she does not feel like that …show more content…

If a student has a younger brother/sister who isn't old enough to walk him/her self home everyday after school and needs an older body by his/her side so that he/she could get safely home and be carefully watched by someone whom is older, if that student must stay after school to participate in there extracurricular activities he/she isn't taking care of there responsibilities at home that come first. Also a student may have chores that there parents have assigned to them do to keep the house in good looking shape through out the week, if that student is unable to do there daily chores around the house that wouldn't be fair to the parents due to that the parent had a long day at work and now must clean up there house when they have children who can do that. Last a student may start to lack doing his homework do the strain that the activity they just got done doing at school may have caused on there body, this may cause the students grades to start to slip. Every child knows that there responsibilities come before anything, so if a child is required to stay after school those responsibilities he/she has to do can't be fulfill. So is that fair to the parent or the

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