Exploring Christian Views on Abortion

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Exploring Christian Views on Abortion

'You shall not murder' (Exodus 20:13 The Holy Bible New International


Within the Christian Church there is generally a keen desire to follow

and apply the teachings of the Bible. However this in not easy and a

number of alternative readings of Scripture have lead to a variety of

viewpoints concerning the moral implications of abortion. Generally

the Church is united in its condemnation of abortion. Most Christians

believe abortion violates the sixth command which prohibits murderous

acts. However there is a keen debate concerning the moment a human

embryo/foetus becomes fully human (i.e. when, according to Christian

teaching, it has both body and soul).

The Roman Catholic Church

The Catholic Church teaches that ensoulment takes place at the moment

of conception and this has been a key reason for their refusal to

condone abortion (although Thomas Aquinas taught that the soul of

girls was implanted by God at 90 days and the soul of boys at 40

days). Another key factor is Natural Law which Catholics believe shows

that the natural consequence of the woman becoming pregnant is to give


'By the authority which Christ conferred upon Peter and his

successors, and in communion with the bishops of the Catholic Church,

I confirm that the direct and voluntary killing of an innocent human

being is always gravely immoral.' (Papal Encyclical 1995)

Although Catholics refuse to accept abortion as an acceptable solution

to 'unwanted' pregnancies they do accept that there might be time when

an abortion occurs as a result of trying to deal with another medical

issue. For example,...

... middle of paper ...

...mned by the maxim 'Do not

murder' given a few moments earlier

One criticism labelled against the Catholic Church's teaching on

abortion is that it encourages an irresponsible attitude towards

having children and does not take in to account the ability of women

and men to fully care for them. Quality of life is important for both

the future child as well as the parents. It should also be noted that

Christians who argue in favour of the woman's right to terminate her

pregnancy do so with a heavy heart. They, along with the women

involved, do not take abortion lightly.

'... most women who have an abortion have just made the most difficult

decision of their life. No one thinks abortion is a wonderful thing.

No one tries to get pregnant just so they can terminate it.' (Taken

from 'Why Abortion is Moral' - see below)

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