Explain Why There Should Be Banned In The United States

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The U.S Government bans items that could cause commotion in the country. Items such as things that may bring insects or disease into the United States. The Government often ban things to get rid of a problem or to solve a problem. Although not banning items may cause commotion in some ways, it is acceptable to see what the product does to the country because the product may do good for certain people. Federal Drug Administration (FDA) bans foods and drugs. The Federal Drug Administration bans things that may be a nuisance to the society. Items that may cause choking hazards or products that come from overseas that may be harmful are banned. Items that are banned may not have a good enough reason to be banned, this may cause certain people to be frustrated and angry. Although not banning items may cause commotion in some ways, it is acceptable to see what the product does to the country because the product may do good for certain people. …show more content…

Banning products don't eliminate the problem. although it may be a solution to the problem, it doesn’t always fix it. Drugs for example, the Government should let the people decide if they want to destroy themselves with knowing the consequences. Drugs in public is banned due to harming people who are around the consumer of the drug. People should have the freedom to do what they want to a certain extent without having to go against the banning of a product. Although not banning items may cause commotion in some ways, it is acceptable to see what the product does to the country because the product may do good for certain

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