Examples Of Rite Of Passage

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Rite of Passage: White Coat Ceremony A rite of passage is a common practice that marks the transition point from one life phase to another. Several passages are marked and celebrated across many cultural settings. They are set to offer a vital purpose in the life of an individual. White Coat Ceremony is a key example. The passage began in 1997 when LSU’s school of medicine coated their students while reciting the oath of ideals. It has been described as the rite of passage because it has all the three phases that include separation, transition, and incorporation. This marks the first point of entry of any student to a medical school. The student has to detach itself from the past life and try to learn new phenomena. Firstly, the students are exposed to the medical ethics. The students are usually forced to change their presentation to suit the prescribed one. They have to buy new clothing and avoid wearing casual clothes when in school. In addition, some schools have pushed the students to cut their nails short and did their hair. The student who fails to comply with these directives might end up receiving punishment. Therefore, the medical school poses a new environment that separates the students from their usual way of life. The students lose their …show more content…

The majority of the students emerge confused and frustrated. Some succumb to the academic pressure and exhibit sex and behavioral reversal. Some start regretting of opting to be doctors and considers changing the course. The tutors play a great deal at this stage. The students are given quality tips of living being a doctor. The students have to learn safety measures while at the hospital for self and the patient. In addition, the have to learn to outdo any existing phobia regarding patient and build up the courage. Moreover, the students are introduced to the legal aspects of

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