Examples Of Nonverbal Communication In Mrs Doubtfire

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The movie Mrs. Doubtfire has many scenes where nonverbal communication takes places. Like in the scene where the song “Dude Looks Like a Lady” plays, it demonstrates nonverbal communication by Daniel’s paralanguage. Like stated in the textbook Interact by Verderber and MacGeorge on page 139, “paralanguage is variation in the voice.” Paralanguage includes pitch, volume, rate, quality, and intonation. With Daniel having a job that requires him to use paralanguage makes it easier for him to fool everyone when he is dressed up as a woman. He is able to change the pitch in his voice higher than normally to sound like a lady. He also uses quality, which is described on page 140 “the sound of a person’s voice.” His voice as Mrs. Doubtfire is very smooth as how a sweet elderly woman should sound like. …show more content…

variety, melody, or inflection of a person’s voice.” Daniel is great with his intonation, for instance when he was reading a book to his daughter, Natalie. Another way Mrs. Doubtfire uses nonverbal communication is through body language. Referring to the book on page 137, body language is “... the intentional or unintentional movement of various body parts that sends nonverbal messages. Eye contact, facial expressions, gesture, posture, and touch are factors of body language. In the same scene “Dude Looks Like a Lady” Daniel uses his eye contact unintentional as Mrs. Doubtfire when she gazes over to look at woman running. It’s quite hilarious seeing an elderly woman check out a younger woman. When Mrs. Doubtfire sees Miranda out the window with Stuart, her facial expressions and gestures change multiple times. At first she has a disgusted face expressions when she sees them kiss but then changes to a smiling face when Stuart sees her. She also waves at him portray the nice elderly woman but then she gives him the middle finger as he walks

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